
Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
Maybe... he added hairy legs to her animation to make it even more disgusting and nauseating?

Madame Rose: "I got hairy legs that turn blonde in the sun. The kids used to come up and reach in the pool & rub my leg down so it was straight & watch the hair come back up again. So I learned about roaches, I learned about kids jumping on my lap...And i loved kids jumping on my lap"
I hope that’s some weird quote from somewhere and didn’t come from your imagination, if not, I’m concerned… :p

F95 must be one of the few forum sites on the net where "motherfucker" is a complement! :LOL:
Imagine ... your team scores the winning goal in extra time, while Mum's giving you a BJ. o_O
My entire workplace is like that… or maybe it’s just me… :unsure:

I just love this game of telephone.
The official statement was 12 to 16 episodes. In the forum people keep repeating 16, 16 and 16. And now there are people putting 16 as the bare minimun with a maybe 20. I wonder if the next year would be others claiming 24 or more.
DPC stated at the completion of episode 8 that he’s pretty much at the half way mark. So 16 episodes sounds like a reasonable extrapolation.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
Yea, ep 9 might be a "make or break" type of deal for me personally. It's not like I'm going to drop the game but if it feels as mechanic and disconnected as ep 8 then I think my interest will just naturally plummet. There's just too much to cover that HAS to be covered in ep 9 because of the clusterfuck timing of everything:
  • Ep 8 ended at the Burkes. That scene will have to happen and the subsequent "Oh noooo, what're we gonna do now." conversations
  • Zoey
  • Lead up to Halloween with all the LIs and the rest of the cast
  • The actual Halloween party (it's been two years, you'd think he'd make it a banger)
  • Continuing the Maya/Josy throuple or ending it if you chose someone else
  • Any real progress with your chosen LI and not just a nice handy-j in a bathroom stall
  • New classes to be introduced
  • That hospital scene (which may or may not take up a lot of time)
I don't know enough of about animations to really determine anything from that but it seems like people keep referring to how "big" the episode is going to be based off how long the game is taking but the thing that's holding things up and has been talked about the most in terms of dev time are the animations. I just don't see how that correlates to anything other than file size. It's going to make everything look better but ... does it really add to the amount of content?

However, if it legitimately takes over 3 hours (minus mini-games and final free roam) to play just a single route and it's not just because the animations are taking up that time then this is probably going to cover everything really well.
Also if what he said about Bella and Sage's playthroughs having so many differences means anything at all then it'll bring back that immersive feeling that ep 8 lacked.
If it doesn't then we'll just end waiting another elongated development cycle for ep 10. It's ... whatever I guess. But it's kind of like when you're following a show and the newest episode or season feels kind of phoned in or doesn't really cover much of anything so you just decide to forget about it for a while and come back to it later. BADIK would probably end up being like that for me, only in this case I'll remember about it in 2 years and only ep 10 will have come out (and it will be the last episode) LOLOLOL:cry:. In any case, if I lose that much interest in it then I'll probably end up getting it here instead of going to Patreon for it at that point.
You are focusing way too much on the animations...

The reason why everyone is talking about these animations is just the fact that they take the MOST time to render and it seems that they delay the release... DPC can do about 8 animations a week with his PC slaves. But to say those animations are the reason why an update takes so long is to easy. To prepare those animations doesnt take that much time. The render-time only is time consuming... but its nothing DPC has to "do"... he pretty much throws them in the queue and works on other stuff. But of course the "slaves" are occupied with animations renders than, but he need this time to deal with coding, writing, and preparing static renders... if he would do the game without animations, i would say the epsiode would maybe take 1-2 months less time to develop but not more... while the slaves are occupied with animation rendering, DPC has to deal with other things anyway. Its just the fact that the overall content is big and he is making everything on his owen why it takes so long. But those things just take its time... only way to be a lot faster, would to cut out content... with better hardware the rendering progress would be faster, but DPC has still to do the coding, polishing, writing and so on... there is nothing that can speed up this... well, except hire personal.

Of course those animations dont add much to the content itself. Mostly they are for the lewd scenes... dont know anymore what DPC told us in a DEV report, but all those animations together maybe have a play time about 45 minutes total... as a "sexmovie" that is ^^

No the actual big mass of the content are the static renders... an those will be close to 5000. Which is a huge number and in fact the biggest episode so far. So you can be sure, contentwise it will be the biggest, DPC said this himself too in one of his reports.

If you will enjoy it is on another page though of course...

Regarding the progress you want to see. Well, i cant imagine that those checkboxes you posted will NOT be checked mostly... of course he has to do something with Zoey, and he will... maybe not THAT much, she is just introduced, or better said, had her comeback... I would think she will make an impact late in the episode to stir things up that will come in the future.

The Burke scene has to be dealt with too... to me it would be much appreciated if we can solve the Maya tuition at least for a while... its getting a little annoying now. In my opinion the whole tuition deal holds any progression with Maya and Josy back for good. And it feels kinda pointless that Maya studies, made the midterms and such, if the whole thing blows up anyways... so yeah DPC should deal with it now (no matter how, i could easy picture a scenario where maya has to leave college too, but still be a big part like before... she lives nearby) i dont say he must deal with it for good... but it should not be a big issue anymore for at least the next two episodes... so he can focus on other things more and we can get progress in the relationship with J&M and maybe open up a solo route for them too. This solo route HAS to come eventually and to be satisfying it should start about now, or maybe with episode 2 in season 3... otherwise it would feel a little bit too late for that.

Halloween will be big... there will be the planning for the party, as far as i know including a minigame.

Most LI will take part in it. Maybe Jill will not take part in the party... she is not a party girl and isnt a "fangirl" of the DIKs... maybe she will take part in the party if she is with the MC, but it wouldnt surprise me much if she wont be there... Same goes for Bella, i cant really picture her in a wild Halloween party in the DIK mansion... Every other LI and sidegirl (well the pink roses and college-girls that is... Nora and Jade will not be there i think) will be there... and will get some "quality time" with the MC too. But it will be interesting how the whole party will play out considering the Burke-Scene. And the Halloween party is the reason why i think that the Burke-scene will be somewhat smooth. Cant imagine the Burke-scene will blow up there and than everybody is happy at a Halloween-party later. So i dont think there will be some real shit going on at the burkes... maybe AFTER the party shit will hit the fan.

Regarding "real" progress with any of the LIs... well yeah, for J&M there has to be more... but for the others? Since episode 8 we are in a REAL relationship now (or with noone) that pretty much settles it for now... how much more progress do you want there? Put a ring on her finger? I think maybe the feelings will develop a little more, and of course 1-2 lewd scenes and talks... but the major impact in those relationship was epsiode 8 for now... the ship is sailed for most girls for now... a little "honeymoon-phase" can follow up... not that much more for most relationships, i wouldnt expect very much more progress in the somewhat "settled" love-paths. Yeah J&M need some real progress, and the Bella/Jill situation has to be dealt with too... but thats about it for the LIs. We have to wait how Zoey will be placed in all this... i think she will appear late in the episode and shake some things up for the future episode. But not imediately.

About classes... *shrug* i dont know, and i dont really care too... yeah its a game in college life, but lets face it, the actual classes are just short "breaks" from the drama. Not the focus of the game.

The hospital scene... we saw a preview, nothing more... who knows what this means... maybe its jsut something short, maybe somebody at the halloween party just went overboard with alc and needed some care? DPC loves to play with our minds and expectations. The Hospital scene could mean shit. Something like... Derek put a little to many vodka tampons up his butt.

There are some serious and huge questions in the air that need answers, but i think those answers dont have to come in this episode... like the pregnancy test, Bellas secret and more... i think DPC will play a little more with those pending issues, maybe spread some hints here and there. Those things are to big to be "solved" or "concluded" just now.
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Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
You are focusing way too much on the animations...

The reason why everyone is talking about these animations is just the fact that they take the MOST time to render and it seems that they delay the release... DPC can do about 8 animations a week with his PC slaves. But to say those animations are the reason why an update takes so long is to easy. To prepare those animations doesnt take that much time. The render-time only is time consuming... but its nothing DPC has to "do"... he pretty much throws them in the queue and works on other stuff. But of course the "slaves" are occupied with animations renders than, but he need this time to deal with coding, writing, and preparing static renders... if he would do the game without animations, i would say the epsiode would maybe take 1-2 months less time to develop but not more... while the slaves are occupied with animation rendering, DPC has to deal with other things anyway. Its just the fact that the overall content is big and he is making everything on his owen why it takes so long. But those things just take its time... only way to be a lot faster, would to cut out content... with better hardware the rendering progress would be faster, but DPC has still to do the coding, polishing, writing and so on... there is nothing that can speed up this... well, except hire personal.

Of course those animations dont add much to the content itself. Mostly they are for the lewd scenes... dont know anymore what DPC told us in a DEV report, but all those animations together maybe have a play time about 45 minutes total... as a "sexmovie" that is ^^

No the actual big mass of the content are the static renders... an those will be close to 5000. Which is a huge number and in fact the biggest episode so far. So you can be sure, contentwise it will be the biggest, DPC said this himself too in one of his reports.

If you will enjoy it is on another page though of course...

Regarding the progress you want to see. Well, i cant imagine that those checkboxes you posted will NOT be checked mostly... of course he has to do something with Zoey, and he will... maybe not THAT much, she is just introduced, or better said, had her comeback... I would think she will make an impact late in the episode to stir things up that will come in the future.

The Burke scene has to be dealt with too... to me it would be much appreciated if we can solve the Maya tuition at least for a while... its getting a little annoying now. In my opinion the whole tuition deal holds any progression with Maya and Josy back for good. And it feels kinda pointless that Maya studies, made the midterms and such, if the whole thing blows up anyways... so yeah DPC should deal with it now (no matter how, i could easy picture a scenario where maya has to leave college too, but still be a big part like before... she lives nearby) i dont say he must deal with it for good... but it should not be a big issue anymore for at least the next two episodes... so he can focus on other things more and we can get progress in the relationship with J&M and maybe open up a solo route for them too. This solo route HAS to come eventually and to be satisfying it should start about now, or maybe with episode 2 in season 3... otherwise it would feel a little bit too late for that.

Halloween will be big... there will be the planning for the party, as far as i know including a minigame.

Most LI will take part in it. Maybe Jill will not take part in the party... she is not a party girl and isnt a "fangirl" of the DIKs... maybe she will take part in the party if she is with the MC, but it wouldnt surprise me much if she wont be there... Same goes for Bella, i cant really picture her in a wild Halloween party in the DIK mansion... Every other LI and sidegirl (well the pink roses and college-girls that is... Nora and Jade will not be there i think) will be there... and will get some "quality time" with the MC too. But it will be interesting how the whole party will play out considering the Burke-Scene. And the Halloween party is the reason why i think that the Burke-scene will be somewhat smooth. Cant imagine the Burke-scene will blow up there and than everybody is happy at a Halloween-party later. So i dont think there will be some real shit going on at the burkes... maybe AFTER the party shit will hit the fan.

Regarding "real" progress with any of the LIs... well yeah, for J&M there has to be more... but for the others? Since episode 8 we are in a REAL relationship now (or with noone) that pretty much settles it for now... how much more progress do you want there? Put a ring on her finger? I think maybe the feelings will develop a little more, and of course 1-2 lewd scenes and talks... but the major impact in those relationship was epsiode 8 for now... the ship is sailed for most girls for now... a little "honeymoon-phase" can follow up... not that much more for most relationships, i wouldnt expect very much more progress in the somewhat "settled" love-paths. Yeah J&M need some real progress, and the Bella/Jill situation has to be dealt with too... but thats about it for the LIs. We have to wait how Zoey will be placed in all this... i think she will appear late in the episode and shake some things up for the future episode. But not imediately.

About classes... *shrug* i dont know, and i dont really care too... yeah its a game in college life, but lets face it, the actual classes are just short "breaks" from the drama. Not the focus of the game.

The hospital scene... we saw a preview, nothing more... who knows what this means... maybe its jsut something short, maybe somebody at the halloween party just went overboard with alc and needed some care? DPC loves to play with our minds and expectations. The Hospital scene could mean shit. Something like... Derek put a little to many vodka tampons up his butt.

There are some serious and huge questions in the air that need answers, but i think those answers dont have to come in this episode... like the pregnancy test, Bellas secret and more... i think DPC will play a little more with those pending issues, maybe spread some hints here and there. Those things are to big to be "solved" or "concluded" just now.
Some people deduct marks when rating these AVNs when they don't have animations. But something tells me the animations that they are looking for are fap aids...

DPC is spending a lot of time and resources on non-lewd animations. One impressive non-lewd animation in a while is fine, it helps elevate the game a bit (I like the jogging scene in episode 8, it was a nice time lapse technique), but the dude is definitely going overboard.

From my earlier estimates, about a third of the development time on the Interlude was animations, and that's fine while he's working on other things, but eventually they become the bottleneck for the release date, and off hand I can't think of any animations in the Interlude that were memorable.

At the same time, I love the final products of each episode so far (Interlude excepted, I didn't mind it at all, but definitely didn't love it). And I don't really mind the wait time (at least at the beginning of each episode you get a recap, so you're not left trying to remember what the fuck happened in the last episode), but I think DPC's weakness is he can't say "no" to himself. By the time we get to the last episode, it'll probably be fully animated! :eek:

If you look at the episode still renders to animation size ratio, the animation weighting is definitely increasing:

total image size (MB)​
animation size (MB)​
animation to image ratio​

Still, as long as the quality matches the quantity, this episode could keep us entertained for quite a while. Bella's path alone took DPC more than 3 hours to complete (not including mini-games - like the party planning). So all we have to do is pace ourselves. One path a month (4 LI paths - unless Josy & Maya start a split, and who knows how much content there will be for the "others" path), and soon enough the next episode will be looking on the horizon.

Can someone tell me which girls has high probability of being pregnant?:unsure:
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Engaged Member
Aug 19, 2019
Can someone tell me which girls has high probability of being pregnant?:unsure:
Ashley, Heather, and Sally are the most likely options.

Small possibilities with others among Quinn's working girls (Camila, most likely if so).

Since it shows up even when the MC doesn't have sex with anyone, it won't be his problem in any event.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
Ashley, Heather, and Sally are the most likely options.

Small possibilities with others among Quinn's working girls (Camila, most likely if so).

Since it shows up even when the MC doesn't have sex with anyone, it won't be his problem in any event.
I gave this some thought again... i was "through" with the theories about the pregnancy, but lately i kinda got the feeling, what about Jade?

Of course not MCs child, that is out of the question... i know she thinks that she cant get pregnant, but what if she is wrong? And this could give her some depth she really needs too... If you dont pursue Jade, her character falls way behind, is even nearly pointless. With adding the pregnancy on her, she would become more important, even if you dont bang her.

Ashley, Heather and even Sally will still getting their moments... Especially Heather doesnt need a pregnancy to get in focus. Tommy and other shit is enough for that.

A while ago i ruled out Ashley too... i just dont think that DPC will put this kind of drama on derek yet. (of course an pregnant ashley would effect him)

Sally will get some other shit.

My bet was always more in Camillas direction or another girl from the prostitution circle... and that it might Stephen Burks child...

But i dont know... something tells me, its possible that its Jade.
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Engaged Member
Aug 19, 2019
My bet was always more in Camillas direction or another girl from the prostitution circle... and that it might Stephen Burks child...

But i dont know... something tells me, its possible that its Jade.
Obviously I can't rule out some zany/illogical shit from DPC on this one, but overall Ashley is the primary choice for it. If she isn't pregnant, then I can't imagine why "it's complicated" is her answer for staying with Anthony instead of going back to Derek. The most likely reason is that she didn't find out she was knocked up until a while after she started sleeping with Anthony, and it could be his. Or possibly at the time of tgeir discussion it was complicated because her period was late and she didn't know for sure.

I think it could be the catalyst for Derek to really get his shit together and stop being such a jackass.

Having it be one of the young women that Burke was banging wouldn't be bad either, it might remove him as an obstacle for many things coming down the road.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2018
We're talking about real updates (de facto) and not nominal updates (mere de jure)... The last real update will have its anniversary in three weeks! A li'l more than two months and it'll be: "2022, the year without a real BaDIK update! Yay!"

PS: before we starting what one would philosophically call a semantic debate, let me be clear about something no one can deny... We're almost a year without an update of the game we play as the MC known as Tremolo and we interact with such characters as Quinn, Sage, Lily, Jill, Josy, Maya, Bella, et cetera. This is what I call a real update. If you want deny me the right the call this a real update, OK... I won't engage in this semantic debate because it doesn't matter... What matters is we're almost a year without this that I described (whatever you wanna call it). And nothing personal... I just stating my point of view.

PPS: and we're also almost a year without playing Brawler... which was the only good thing about the Interlude. This, I don't miss...

Again, the Interlude is a real update, and pretending it isn't doesn't change anything. It has been just under 8 months since an update. Anything else is simply untrue.


Engaged Member
Aug 19, 2019
in real life the mc would already have 50 children
That's not how time works. Fucking a woman 9 times won't get you a child in one month.

MC has only been i college for two months, so the 50 kids event won't happen until after the Halloween party when all the women leap into the HOTs pool. I'm fairly certain somebody in the game already suggested that was a risk of pregnancy by itself. Pretty sure all the Sage & Josy lovers have contributed to fertilizing the water.


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018

is there an end to this bullshit?

like 2 months ago it was "only 40 renders left"
meanwhile, he's been writing new scenes because why not
I feel like his work on every episode has been Sisyphus' work
I *think* DPC is talking about short, non-lewd scenes there. It's not like he has absolutely everything planned in advance, so it makes sense he'd need to add a few minor scenes here and there to fill things out properly. Assuming they don't get 'environmental' animations, I doubt they take much time to knock out.

That said, the first step is admitting you have a problem, and DPC is clearly not ready to acknowledge how much he needs a good editor.

You are focusing way too much on the animations...

The reason why everyone is talking about these animations is just the fact that they take the MOST time to render and it seems that they delay the release... DPC can do about 8 animations a week with his PC slaves. But to say those animations are the reason why an update takes so long is to easy. To prepare those animations doesnt take that much time. The render-time only is time consuming... but its nothing DPC has to "do"... he pretty much throws them in the queue and works on other stuff. But of course the "slaves" are occupied with animations renders than, but he need this time to deal with coding, writing, and preparing static renders... if he would do the game without animations, i would say the epsiode would maybe take 1-2 months less time to develop but not more... while the slaves are occupied with animation rendering, DPC has to deal with other things anyway. Its just the fact that the overall content is big and he is making everything on his owen why it takes so long. But those things just take its time... only way to be a lot faster, would to cut out content... with better hardware the rendering progress would be faster, but DPC has still to do the coding, polishing, writing and so on... there is nothing that can speed up this... well, except hire personal.

Of course those animations dont add much to the content itself. Mostly they are for the lewd scenes... dont know anymore what DPC told us in a DEV report, but all those animations together maybe have a play time about 45 minutes total... as a "sexmovie" that is ^^

No the actual big mass of the content are the static renders... an those will be close to 5000. Which is a huge number and in fact the biggest episode so far. So you can be sure, contentwise it will be the biggest, DPC said this himself too in one of his reports.
As shazba said, DPC is increasing the number, length and complexity of his animations, making them the smoking gun in the ballooning development time for episodes. Static renders do take time to pose, but they render extremely rapidly in comparison. Hence why we're nearly complete on statics yet still at least a month away from completing the last animations - if we're lucky!

Personally I thought a lot of the animations in the Interlude were pointless to the point of being indulgent; we didn't need to see Zoey spin around in a chair or the like. Other may disagree and fair enough, but it's definitely increasing our wait times (over and above DPC's inability to stop cramming additional content into the episode).

Again, the Interlude is a real update, and pretending it isn't doesn't change anything. It has been just under 8 months since an update. Anything else is simply untrue.
Eh, if the Interlude were a normal update it would have been called Episode 9. Even if you like the Interlude, I don't think it's unreasonable to note that the main story has been left hanging for a full year (and counting!). It's hard to keep up momentum with that kind of delay, especially when Episode 8 ended on what it presented as a big change to the status quo.

That doesn't make the Interlude illegitimate or anything like that, but it's just not scratching the same itch as the previous episodes did - and hopefully future ones will.


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2018
You are focusing way too much on the animations...

The reason why everyone is talking about these animations is just the fact that they take the MOST time to render and it seems that they delay the release... DPC can do about 8 animations a week with his PC slaves. But to say those animations are the reason why an update takes so long is to easy. To prepare those animations doesnt take that much time. The render-time only is time consuming... but its nothing DPC has to "do"... he pretty much throws them in the queue and works on other stuff. But of course the "slaves" are occupied with animations renders than, but he need this time to deal with coding, writing, and preparing static renders... if he would do the game without animations, i would say the epsiode would maybe take 1-2 months less time to develop but not more... while the slaves are occupied with animation rendering, DPC has to deal with other things anyway. Its just the fact that the overall content is big and he is making everything on his owen why it takes so long. But those things just take its time... only way to be a lot faster, would to cut out content... with better hardware the rendering progress would be faster, but DPC has still to do the coding, polishing, writing and so on... there is nothing that can speed up this... well, except hire personal.

Of course those animations dont add much to the content itself. Mostly they are for the lewd scenes... dont know anymore what DPC told us in a DEV report, but all those animations together maybe have a play time about 45 minutes total... as a "sexmovie" that is ^^

No the actual big mass of the content are the static renders... an those will be close to 5000. Which is a huge number and in fact the biggest episode so far. So you can be sure, contentwise it will be the biggest, DPC said this himself too in one of his reports.

If you will enjoy it is on another page though of course...

Regarding the progress you want to see. Well, i cant imagine that those checkboxes you posted will NOT be checked mostly... of course he has to do something with Zoey, and he will... maybe not THAT much, she is just introduced, or better said, had her comeback... I would think she will make an impact late in the episode to stir things up that will come in the future.

The Burke scene has to be dealt with too... to me it would be much appreciated if we can solve the Maya tuition at least for a while... its getting a little annoying now. In my opinion the whole tuition deal holds any progression with Maya and Josy back for good. And it feels kinda pointless that Maya studies, made the midterms and such, if the whole thing blows up anyways... so yeah DPC should deal with it now (no matter how, i could easy picture a scenario where maya has to leave college too, but still be a big part like before... she lives nearby) i dont say he must deal with it for good... but it should not be a big issue anymore for at least the next two episodes... so he can focus on other things more and we can get progress in the relationship with J&M and maybe open up a solo route for them too. This solo route HAS to come eventually and to be satisfying it should start about now, or maybe with episode 2 in season 3... otherwise it would feel a little bit too late for that.

Halloween will be big... there will be the planning for the party, as far as i know including a minigame.

Most LI will take part in it. Maybe Jill will not take part in the party... she is not a party girl and isnt a "fangirl" of the DIKs... maybe she will take part in the party if she is with the MC, but it wouldnt surprise me much if she wont be there... Same goes for Bella, i cant really picture her in a wild Halloween party in the DIK mansion... Every other LI and sidegirl (well the pink roses and college-girls that is... Nora and Jade will not be there i think) will be there... and will get some "quality time" with the MC too. But it will be interesting how the whole party will play out considering the Burke-Scene. And the Halloween party is the reason why i think that the Burke-scene will be somewhat smooth. Cant imagine the Burke-scene will blow up there and than everybody is happy at a Halloween-party later. So i dont think there will be some real shit going on at the burkes... maybe AFTER the party shit will hit the fan.

Regarding "real" progress with any of the LIs... well yeah, for J&M there has to be more... but for the others? Since episode 8 we are in a REAL relationship now (or with noone) that pretty much settles it for now... how much more progress do you want there? Put a ring on her finger? I think maybe the feelings will develop a little more, and of course 1-2 lewd scenes and talks... but the major impact in those relationship was epsiode 8 for now... the ship is sailed for most girls for now... a little "honeymoon-phase" can follow up... not that much more for most relationships, i wouldnt expect very much more progress in the somewhat "settled" love-paths. Yeah J&M need some real progress, and the Bella/Jill situation has to be dealt with too... but thats about it for the LIs. We have to wait how Zoey will be placed in all this... i think she will appear late in the episode and shake some things up for the future episode. But not imediately.

About classes... *shrug* i dont know, and i dont really care too... yeah its a game in college life, but lets face it, the actual classes are just short "breaks" from the drama. Not the focus of the game.

The hospital scene... we saw a preview, nothing more... who knows what this means... maybe its jsut something short, maybe somebody at the halloween party just went overboard with alc and needed some care? DPC loves to play with our minds and expectations. The Hospital scene could mean shit. Something like... Derek put a little to many vodka tampons up his butt.

There are some serious and huge questions in the air that need answers, but i think those answers dont have to come in this episode... like the pregnancy test, Bellas secret and more... i think DPC will play a little more with those pending issues, maybe spread some hints here and there. Those things are to big to be "solved" or "concluded" just now.
I feel like you don't understand what I'm saying and trying to explain it will just create further misunderstandings. So ... whatever, numbnuts. Deuces!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
I feel like you don't understand what I'm saying and trying to explain it will just create further misunderstandings. So ... whatever, numbnuts. Deuces!
yeah nice discussion... throwing insults is always the way to go and brings everyone further... well... bless the ignore list, youre welcome


Active Member
Apr 19, 2021
I *think* DPC is talking about short, non-lewd scenes there. It's not like he has absolutely everything planned in advance, so it makes sense he'd need to add a few minor scenes here and there to fill things out properly. Assuming they don't get 'environmental' animations, I doubt they take much time to knock out.

That said, the first step is admitting you have a problem, and DPC is clearly not ready to acknowledge how much he needs a good editor.
I agree. and those scenes will most likely make the game feel more smooth, without the player having a feeling something somewhere was just randomly cut off or that we just jumped into a situation

but the issue is that we had a feeling we're almost done 2 months ago. 40 renders and a few animations to go. meanwhile he just keeps adding and adding and adding. looking at how things have gone so far, this might go on for months because he might keep feeling the story doesn't run smooth enough so he keeps on adding scenes.
I know it's impossible but I'd rather have him make the story and the scene planning and then say "the story part is done, I need 10 months to finish all the renders and animations". not like this. we have a feeling we're near the finish line and then stuff just keeps being added. this is what fuels the "milker" stories
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New Member
May 31, 2017
Hello, I've got a question. I just downloaded the game, but I am unable to start a new game. On the main menu it only says Import and Continue, but there is no New Game option to select. I noticed that the game says INTERLUDE, is this a different game from the main game?


I downloaded Season 3 Interlude, should I download Season 1 - 2 to play the main game? Thanks in advance for the help

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