IDK... developing a game is hard. And developing a really great game is even harder. The work this dev does is really well done and he has done a crap ton of story development and a bunch of really good renders. At some point, however, you just have to move things forward.
I looked at my review of this game and it was back in 2017... and there is still no content to speak off. Yes, there is some heavy petting and areola flashing (ffs), but he keeps adding more, what I call "potential future situations". The last one he added were the creepy ass children but there are also the old men, the tanning spa and the casino owner. I mean, how many more people and locations do you need to add to move the story forward?
I just don't get it. At some point, you have to put dicks in chicks and I think a 3 year wait is long enough.