The sign of weak writing is the cliched "I can't tell you now" or "you're not ready" or something along the same lines. What cements the lameness of the cliche is when information is revealed, there is absolutely no logical reason for the information to have been witheld in the first place. Through life, people have more success when told everything about a situation instead of stringing them along with vague hints.
Some writers do this because it makes content, as the story is actually the stringing along instead of any actual content. It's like seeing an informercial. They could just tell you about the product and the price in about 60 seconds, but it's 60 minutes of shots of scientists, BS background, claims of "hurry before the government shuts us down", endless testimonials, then at the last 30 seconds it's "Click here for more information". You click and the first thing they demand is your email and information necessary to push more crap. Finally, they send you to the "store" page full of the same crap and after eternal scrolling you get the link to order, but wait, they add more and more layers of sales to get you to buy even more product, still not showing what they actually started advertising. Finally you reach the order page and it's like $400 for a bottle of pills which are supposedly half price.
This game gives me those vibes.