I have a question that's been on my mind ever since this game started to really get going, but. How come there aren't any titjobs in the game? Sorry if this was answered before.
Art budget. Wasn't considered the priority compared to blowjobs and penetrative sex.
It's coming, along with cowgirl, rev-cowgirl.
I'll note that it may not all be coming at the same time. Depends on budget + time.
I just want her to do Gif-Rel for Null. For a game about young people with super-powers there is a surprising lack of them being used during sex. Kitty is one of the few girls who could double deep-throat a guys cock with another girl thanks to her powers.
I have thrown that gif in particular in the sex scene references channel.
Idk if you would want to say or not cause it's not your game, but what are the three other X-Men games you mentioned? I'm always on the lookout for more superhero parody adult games, and I especially like the X-Men. The only other one I can think of is Rogue-like.
I legit haven't kept the other two in my brain due to both instigating drama that I rather not rehash. Just search X-Men and you'll find it.
it comes down to the art budget mostly. there are a lot of things the team wants to put in the game but because it puts more strain on the art budget, it gets pushed to the bottom of the list of things they want to put in the game
This is absolutely true.
The game asks you for a date of birth now, what about birthdays?
We have plans. No promise on when we'll execute them.
My only complaint about this game is that you can't really "only romance one girl" i mean you CAN but the other girls always act like they're seconds away from boning you, regardless if you're dating or not. Which is fine for a harem game, just means can't really focus on only one girl
All three girls canonically crush on Null because the requirement of plot progression to have you gain their trust needed for team cohesion has Null helping them with some of their issues and you are basically all three's first genuine friend*.
This is likely to be the case for all girls because... it's a dating sim. They have to have some interest in you and right now we don't have any plans for tsunderes.
If it becomes obnoxious then I'll talk to the devs about toning it down because there is an interest among players and the dev team to be able to hang out with girls and not have it be counted as a date.
However, romance is the priority because again, it's a dating sim.
*Jean is besties with Storm but difference is age gap. I have it in the docs that she still has an apartment with Misty Knight that she escapes to every once in awhile but having that mentioned/shown in anyway is one of the lowest on our priority list.
Found a bug, I think, not sure what triggers it but if you don't date Jean by Winter, the cutscene for the date doesn't seem to trigger, you can ask her via phone but she just doesn't appear, had to backtrack a little bit but it seems to be working before the first story progress(Where Juggy appears)
I'll pass it onto the dev team. Though a save file would help.
So you are being faithful to source material while moving time of action decades forward and making characters younger/older when it fits your narrative better? But actually correcting one of the characters idiolect(not his personality or background or something else) to better fit him in the epoch you just put him in - that's strict no-no?
No need for the sass. I was talking about Xavier downloading the English dictionary into Pitor's brain and why after having that for over a decade Pitor makes no attempt at sounding fluent.
If you're disputing the timeline... I mean dude that's just how history works.
Though we have language coordinators that will ensure when characters are authentic when speaking native languages and they are being requested to think of the dialects of the mid 2000s.
You should have seen Kurt's dialogue before we asked all of our Germans to dissect his writing. We had him saying "Bruders" instead of Brüder.
Taking a moment to be educational in general about our dev process.
While people are split down the middle on their inclusion to begin with, the written "accents" are also consulted through these language coordinators. We're keeping it for a feel of authenticity to the comics. However, rather than relying on dated stereotypes that were of their time we're also asking people to help with phonetics in a more genuine way. Someone who knows Bavarian German helped correct some issues with Kurt.
We have Irish and Scottish individuals familiar with the regions Banshee, Syrin, Moira, and Rahne are from in the chance they get speaking roles.
As someone who lives in the South, I also vet all of Rogue's dialogue to make sure the writers don't fall into stereotypes outside of her iconic "Ah" when referring to herself. Only way she can be more Mississippi is if we had someone from Mississippi approach us. Unfortunately we have not had an individual do such.
they probably start with a naked body and then layer on the clothes afterwards. less annoying than the other way around
This. Sadly the guys don't got dongs underneath their suits.
@ShinyBoots1993 Hey, I was wondering if the lesbian content was going to be optional.
All sexual content is optional... Unless you're going for a romantic asexual run. That's currently moddable to my knowledge but it is on our to do list. Low on the list but it's on the list.
I searched about it and found a kind of old post saying that it was gonna be optional but I just got a dialogue where Rogue was showing X-23 "how to masturbate" and it felt a little off. I'm just wondering if it will stop at that and I will get a chance to talk to the girls about it and see their perspectives and if they are willing to stop it or if it will just move on its own to more lesbian interactions between the girls.
Okay I can clarify right now that Rogue didn't have X-23 watch her masturbate. All she did was show her educational information because whenever X-23 googled "how to masturbate" it took her to porn sites.
As for the preview image, as I said. All sexual content is optional.
Rogue Like has this problem, no matter where you go is always crowded. I always said the solution to that would be to add more locations.
We plan on mapping out the entire mansion. Including stuff as small as broom closets. We promise nothing on when areas get added. We do it at our own pace in between the story beats and when our artists aren't working on girls.
Possible dumb question but with Null's current level of power would he be able to survive getting decapitated or getting shot point blank in the head with a gun of high caliber?
Hell no.
By the way, is translation into other languages planned?
Not by us but we welcome anyone fluent in both English and the translation's language to go ahead. As I live in America my writing in Spanish is very rusty and would not be a quality translation.
How do I make cat fights? Since when I cheat on a girl, 4 days later she forgives me, I want drama.
As stated, we're not gonna make putting girls against each other for simple amusement. However girls interacting independent of the player will occur.
So, the rival & enemy status don't do nothing?
We've hinted many times that Rogue and Dazzler won't initially like each other and even in Modern comics Jean and Kitty still don't like Emma.
Null needs some normal male friends.
This is a first draft back before we gave people feet. It'll be updated eventually.