You can "easily" (
ahem ahem) edit your save file by just using Notepad on your computer. Finding the exact variable to change isn't too hard either.
"But where are the save files even located?!" I imagine you flusteredly asking. Well, my man, finding them is child's play as well! (Mainly because I'm about to tell you.

) You can find them in the following folder:
C:\Users\<Insert your own computer username here>\AppData\Roaming\TalesOfAndrogyny
The files you'll want to edit have the .json extension. If you don't know which ones those are because you (like the absolute vast majority of PC users these days) have visible extensions turned OFF, you can just open the ones that are very obviously
not image files.
Aaand last but not least, the variable you'll want to look for is called "money" (with the quotationmarks, at that). Only edit the first variable, and for God's sake,
backup your save file first! I won't be held responsible if you fuck around and find out. In the sense that you found out you had no idea what you were doing and subsequently messed up your save, that is.