Ahem - what I was trying to say was new weekly! This time around, we've got a new Demon King art piece, along with an accompanying scene, a new "Pet" skill, we've implemented Equipment weight (with balance tweaks to come), and we've got the doppelganger properly mimicking your haircut!
Next up, more Demon King stuff, some cute little additions and UI improvements, and the Blonde Werewolf (Lupa) Cock Worship animation!
As always, changelog is below, and convenience downloadlinks below that. Support Majalis on
Ahem - what I was trying to say was new weekly! This time around, we've got a new Demon King art piece, along with an accompanying scene, a new "Pet" skill, we've implemented Equipment weight (with balance tweaks to come), and we've got the doppelganger properly mimicking your haircut!
Next up, more Demon King stuff, some cute little additions and UI improvements, and the Blonde Werewolf (Lupa) Cock Worship animation!
As always, changelog is below, and convenience downloadlinks below that. Support Majalis on
Ahem - what I was trying to say was new weekly! This time around, we've got a new Demon King art piece, along with an accompanying scene, a new "Pet" skill, we've implemented Equipment weight (with balance tweaks to come), and we've got the doppelganger properly mimicking your haircut!
Next up, more Demon King stuff, some cute little additions and UI improvements, and the Blonde Werewolf (Lupa) Cock Worship animation!
As always, changelog is below, and convenience downloadlinks below that. Support Majalis on
try to find the lvl2 Gladius sword, focus on the achievements you obtain via completing the iron mode missions. they net you each 1 point. with these achivements you get head starts on the main character for said second map. your build is really your playstyle and enchanter class is balanced. use perks. they offer stat increases as well.
my example of a build is to use the achievements to achieve 5 agi and 5 perception. then dump the rest into either strength or charisma. since enchanter offers 1 extra perk, i dump my last remaining into strength as the game mostly relies on attacks. then i use my perks to up well rounded, and mostly using the rest for strength in perks. then i focus on one magical attack(shock for me and for the ghost enemy). then i get second wind, uppercut and dump the rest into careful attack and advance.
try to find the lvl2 Gladius sword, focus on the achievements you obtain via completing the iron mode missions. they net you each 1 point. with these achivements you get head starts on the main character for said second map. your build is really your playstyle and enchanter class is balanced. use perks. they offer stat increases as well.
my example of a build is to use the achievements to achieve 5 agi and 5 perception. then dump the rest into either strength or charisma. since enchanter offers 1 extra perk, i dump my last remaining into strength as the game mostly relies on attacks. then i use my perks to up well rounded, and mostly using the rest for strength in perks. then i focus on one magical attack(shock for me and for the ghost enemy). then i get second wind, uppercut and dump the rest into careful attack and advance.
I usually go crushing and tempo attack plus armor destruction perk, used to work.
I was somewhat interested in ranger but arrow doesn't seem to work, theif I have no idea how to play and mage run out of mana quick.
Also Food is pain after adding 2 companions
Thanks for the tip about achievements
Question about this problem were asked multiple times. Download the newest version of the full game (win64, linux, mac) from OP, switch out the .jar to the newest version and start with the .exe.
Question about this problem were asked multiple times. Download the newest version of the full game (win64, linux, mac) from OP, switch out the .jar to the newest version and start with the .exe.
thanks for the help, but further question, do I need to start the .jar once before continuing starting the .exe, or just simply replaced the .jar without opening it and straight to .exe?
Just replace the .jar.
The folder is a standalone Java build, with that you don't even need to have Java installed anymore. The .jar is the full game.
Just replace the .jar.
The folder is a standalone Java build, with that you don't even need to have Java installed anymore. The .jar is the full game.
Ahem - what I was trying to say was new weekly! This time around, we've got a new Demon King art piece, along with an accompanying scene, a new "Pet" skill, we've implemented Equipment weight (with balance tweaks to come), and we've got the doppelganger properly mimicking your haircut!
Next up, more Demon King stuff, some cute little additions and UI improvements, and the Blonde Werewolf (Lupa) Cock Worship animation!
As always, changelog is below, and convenience downloadlinks below that. Support Majalis on
What's exactly condition about Trudy Quest? i have level 5 dignity/purity and recruit Trudy, and Dark Knight first encounter in the pub, but the quest button (written in 'particular topic') is not active.
Become a mage and focus on using the top magic attack of your choice. Fire is a good one and allows you to kill just about everyone in one or two hits. The only issue is you don't start off with any good armor. Get the best you can, and keep the gladius from the spider cave so you can hit someone when you don't need to set someone ablaze and just want to quickly whittle them out with the burning damage, this is why I say fire works. Just keep in mind that the best magics cost a couple of turns to prepare and cast, so you need to learn the best time in combat to use them. With this build you will climb levels and easily have the stat bonuses and perks required for any of the checks you want. Also, because the mana comes back between battles, use combat heal when you need and the flames finish off the enemy. Just keep in mind that food will still be an issue.