If you’re a soft eye look person you’ll love it. Honestly this is my favorite palette from her. I’m not a collector with lots of makeup, nor am I an artistic person. I’m not paying PMG price to have blues or bright pinks that I won’t wear to work. This palette offers so much (muted gold/sliver smoky/bronze/muted pink/mauves) that I’d 100% wear everyday.
Here is my hot take: the shades Rosewood Romantique and Plum Cabaret ruin this palette for me. Why does Pat always shove this type of colours (plus a Gold shade 🙄) in the vast majority of her palettes. This colour story begs for a dark greige or an earl-grey shadow. Or even a wearable swampy green (which is very trendy right now).
They're her favourite colors. Lol. Yes it's that simple. And it's the same story for the mauves and golds haha. She can never get enough. She loves the Bridgerton aesthetic, Star Wars, so thats who she's collabed with. I feel your pain, though, I've wanted a muted palette like Midnight Sun or something amped up like Subliminal for years now... she still has her rose colored glasses on, but I'm craving a world of green and ash 😭 Edit: I just remembered what she calls those shades, they're like eye blush. I literally try to cancel out redness around my eyes so imagine my disappointment lmao
You have a wonderfully satisfying way of speaking, and especially reviewing makeup. It feels as if I have this pallet in my own hands. I’m so appreciative of this. Thank you.
Iconic Illumination and Nocturnal Nirvana made me soooo feverish and antsy, I only knew peace after owning both and it was worth it. They're stunning, perfect for work or special occasions. If she came out with more in a wider array of tones it'd be a must buy again! Let the rose era end!
Urg I missed out on nirvana and iconic illumination, I would do anything to get my hands on either and if PMG released the specials shades from motherships 1 and 2 as a quad ! Forget it take all my money Pat.
@@jenniferflinchum9424 Me too! I would love to switch out some of the left side shades and put a deep almost blackened aubergine as the deepening shade, switch out one of the burgundies for an almost periwinkle purple, and maybe even add a green and then I’d be satisfied. But 2 burgundies (plum leaning and burgundy leaning) just looks the same on my tan skin. I want MORE variety of looks! Not just brown and burgundy. So I end up supplementing with other matte singles or palettes to achieve more looks from my Moonlit palette that in the end I really didn’t want to be doing. As much as I adore this palette I also find it frustrating for that reason.
I honestly love your reviews and your beauty content overall. I appreciate the fact that you actually try the products several times and we don’t get first impressions. You have honestly inspired me to be more conscious on my beauty purchases (and as a college student with a passion for makeup, my wallet thanks you too lol). Thank you for this beautiful channel Hannah❤️
Thank you for this video Hannah! It made me decide that I definitely do not need this palette 😂 I have 6 of the 10 Mothership palettes and I could tell immediately that the special shades were different!! The cooler toned color story really appealed to me (especially that platinum gunmetal shade WOW) but I’m quite disappointed being that this is the 10th Mothership. I miss the feeling that I got when she released the first 3. They were so unique to the market and they were colorful yet wearable and cohesive. I think a lot of us were hoping for multichromes, blues, greens, purples and silver or gray shades! If you collect PMG at all then you have a ton of warm pinks/ roses and golds. It seems she’s gone too mainstream and is just trying to sell wearable products for the average consumer rather than creating avant-garde editorial runway makeup. All the motherships say ‘USE WITHOUT CAUTION’ yet we get another neutral pinky palette/ arguably Divine Rose 4 😂 just my thoughts as a Pat McGrath stan 💖
I’ve been wanting to delve into PMG eyeshadows for a while, but have been reluctant to pull the trigger because of the price point. After watching several reviews and their complaints about this palette, your review has really solidified the fact that I’m in the minority and actually WANT to get this as my first PMG palette because of that cohesion and ease of use! As always, thank you so much for the thoughtful and balanced reviews, it truly helps me make informed decisions and wiser purchases (though I’ll still be waiting for a Sephora or PMG sale to get it)!
I have all of her palettes and this is my favorite. The gunmetal shade is just like an astral to me so this is also the best value palette imo. I don’t think you will be disappointed. Great every day palette and better than divine rose.
Highly recommend waiting for a PMG sale because they always do much better deals on their palettes than on the Sephora website. I bought two PMG palettes in the last year and got a better sale price on the actual website. Hope you really like it either way!
The reviews really are so mixed but I realized it’s just personal preference. The rosy shades aren’t as exciting but always look good with my green eyes so I can’t go wrong with them. I’ve also been waiting for a palette with more blitz astral shades so I bought it and I think it might be my new favorite. I would suggest getting the intesifeyes stick with this one. The blitz astral shades need a base and I always think about putting a glitter glue down but it’s messy and time consuming but it’s only one shade in the other palettes so for this one, it was a really good investment to get the base stick to quickly swipe on so I use those shades to full impact
I would totally love to watch a video on which you get your colors analyzed by a color specialist. Like the old school summer, winter, spring, autumn coloring. I think that would be fascinating and would love to see your reaction to that information.
i always kinda asuumed you had brown eyes but in these close ups i can see that they are a really interesting deep green and only around the pupil it gets a little brownish wow ive never seen an iris quite like these i love them
Hannah…. Your color story section with those hand swatches showing us the shades you’ve been using together, plus adding any other shade, plus adding that “oil slick” shade to the center… is possibly the most helpful thing I’ve seen on RUclips in a very long time. Thank you. I hope you see this comment
Makeup purchases are thoroughly researched and planned investments for me so I can't tell you how much I appreciate your detailed reviews. Even if you don't like something and I suspect I will, your detailed explanation helps me figure that out.
Like you, I have both this palette and Midnight Sun. I agree with everything you’ve said. I am a neutral-toned person/leaning warm with some olive going on and I find this palette is a great way for me to wear cool tones without looking too purple. I never get backed in a corner and can warm things up easily or cool them down as well within this palette. I am also relieved how different it is than Midnight Sun. I agree with you that if I had to rate the two I would say Midnight Sun is still my preferred palette, but for some reason I have been using this one almost everyday since I received it. It’s so easy and always turns out great. That platinum/gray shade makes me feel so special and sultry. I almost wish I could switch out plum cabaret for something different but I’m not sure what- maybe a khaki shade with more gray in it than the one in Midnight sun. Would love to see a green color story from Pat sometime in the near future. Overall, I am glad to own this and I now wish I could return my holiday quad with similar shades because this is the much better version. I always enjoy your videos!
I really enjoyed seeing all the color combos. Since I only use three shades max, usually 2, and I usually have trouble with color combos, I appreciated this particular analysis.
I would never buy a Pat Macgrath palette due to price, but I do love hearing you talk about them! Based on your description, this would probably be the one for me, but as you said, I can probably get similar looks with what I already have. I'm rocking a cool toned brown smokey eye today.
I came to your channel from your review of midnight sun - the title got me, and I was looking for inspiration for looks after I had bought it. I’m so glad the algorithm kept putting you in front of me! ❤️
I love this palette, honestly. I have divine rose 1 and it’s just a bit too warm for day to day use for work. This just isn’t as pigmented, and the cool tone are both perfect for me for work, but I can also be easily to glam it up quickly too. If you fair, cool to neutral undertone , and want something that’s easier to wear day to day, this is perfect.
Another fair, cool, neutral one is mothership I: Subliminal. I use it constantly (the deeper, bright blue being more of an accent for nights out rather than all over).
Hannah, I feel compelled to tell you that I found you through TFD. I never had a compulsion to shop, I'm actually a minimalist and I have very little interest in fashion or makeup. But your videos, the way you are able to analyse where your issues came from and so so so much more... you just speak straight into my heart.
The way you describe using the VR shade here is exactly what happens to me when I use Bronze Seduction. I can’t help myself from putting Fire Opal on my lid every time because it’s just beyond.
I’ve been sitting on the thought of buying this palette. I saw it periodically in my walk around beauty youtube. But most recently i came across one of your newer videos and just fell in love with the way you describe this color story. I’ve seem several videos since then. And i decided to buy it! The colors just live in my waking dreams. I love a cool tone story, and this just gives that to me with a bit of warm tone sprinkled in. I appreciate your thorough reviews! They really help me decide what is worth my coin. ❤
This was so helpful. As someone who owns midnight sun and loves the special formula, this helped me save $170 (Canadian). Turns out all I really wanted this for is that plum-y, blue-shift shade which I can achieve with other things I have and glitter glue. Thank you :)
@@ParchCraftAustralia that is in fact one of the “other things” I can achieve the look with, so good. There’s also a shade in the too faced clover palette!
I just got this palette yesterday and I think it’s my favorite. It’s my 4th palette. Divine rose 2 is my favorite, or was, but I think this might bump it to second place. I love this review. I have midnight Sun and divine rose 1 also. I have so much fun with these palettes. Midnight Sun is the only other palette that you compared moonlit seduction too that I own which is probably why it’s still so unique in my collection. I was hoping for a palette with more blitz astral shades and I was so excited when I saw this and I haven’t been disappointed with it so far! But I’m glad to see such in depth reviews because these palettes are too expensive not to know exactly what you’re getting
Nothing compares to how thoroughly you review products. The color/look swatch comparisons were fabulous! I found it so impactful visually, seeing you VR Sextacy layered over each combination. ❤
Thanks for this review. I completely agree with your thoughts. Whilst it’s not as editorial and at first glance showstopping it’s is now my most used mothership. I have a neutral undertone and these colours suit me perfectly. With other motherships you have to think about how you are going to use them. Whereas with this you can jump in an always come out with a beautiful look. I do really hope her next mothership has some of her VR shades in. I would much rather an increase in price over cheaper substitutes. X
Honestly I think in the makeup community we look too often throguh the lenses of collector enthusiasts. Realistically most people are not going wear much else other than neutrals and pinks and gold on thier eyes and when you take each pmg palette as an Individual they’re very beautiful Still wearable with a unique colour for the mainstream market. They just perhaps add nothing for the enthusiast ordering months ahead for clionadh or someone who owns all other pmg palettes.
I live in the Philippines and have lusted over Clionadh's Grisaille ever since I saw it. Unfortunately, it is very expensive to ship Clionadh to the Phillipines so I'm so happy that it has a dupe in this new Mothership X which I ordered. :')
I think I may still look for this one on Mercari in the coming months, as that's how I've obtained all my PMG palettes to date (usually for around $60 in great condition). This is definitely tempering the urge to spend full price! Btw, can never get enough long form content 😭💜 thank you for catering to us weirdos who want ALL THE THOUGHTS
Part of me is disappointed in the “safeness” of this palette, but I have never been able to justify the cost of a PMG palette for myself. I imagine that if I was able to do it, a palette that allows as much integration as you have shown would be a better investment than one full of colours I am unlikely to use. (Chose to invest in some of the newer Clionadh shades to give some more interest to my ND minis and my Nars palettes.)
I think Subliminal would have added a lot of variety and whimsy to your arsenal-- a future self sponsored review around Christmas would be fabulous. This one was too similar to Midnight Sun without offering more fun for me to get, thanks for the confirmation!
I agree. I think HPL would get way more from Subliminal than she initially expects. I can understand why she might shy away from it though as Blitz blue is a strong cup of coffee while the rest of the palette are colors that have been duped, but frankly, not as well.
@@cherylb_88 I was thinking of suggesting that but I feel as though she'd use the really dirty, mucky bronze of Subliminal more. Ideally, she'd try both for review eventually... Blitz Emerald is my favourite eyeshadow just in general so I'd be delighted with either choice and I think both would fit her aesthetic
Love your content and how in depth and thoughtful you are, your videos have a real way of solidifying the way I think or should think about makeup. Thank you so much Hannah! 💗
I bought this one and the huetopian dream and I feel like the huetopian dream is my favorite, because you can get so many different looks with it but they are also very cohesive. I just really like that one. This one reminds me of like a Natasha denona glam palette but with a punch. The huetopian dream was more of like a huda beauty mercury retrograde kind of palette to me. And I do like pairing those to do a look sometimes, they go together very well. I’m not against using the special shades from Pat with other palettes that make more sense to me, I’m not big on the mattes in moonlit seduction with those special shades.
I bought Midnight Sun as a Christmas palette & gift for myself, I think it’s perfect for the holidays and I can’t wait to wear it like every day once the weather changes. I think this palette will add to your collection because it has those new formulas, so you have one old one and a new one to compare.
Im glad you reviewed this palette! Gave me even more inspiration in which I want to use it lol This is my second full sized Pat McGrath palette and for me the shades and color story in are perfect. The first one I got was bronze seduction and I rarely use it because I feel like it is almost a 1-2 trick pony. I’ve been able to use this palette so far for both my work days and my going out events so I’m very excited to have this in my collection.
I definitely enjoyed your very detailed review. I’ve been yawing Pat McGrath shadows for years and I’ve never watched such a great detailed review. I appreciate it ❤
I’ve never watched one of your videos before, and I’m so glad the YT algorithm recommended you! I ♥️ in-depth reviews of palettes like what you’ve done here, because while I can afford luxury makeup, I have very oily, aging skin, and my eyeshadow has to be precise. I prefer looks that are neither extreme nor boring neutrals, but I don’t have the dry skin that most luxury brands assume (looking at you, Bobbi Brown, and your giant pots of colored Vaseline). I have the Divine Rose Mothership just because it’s the most subtle, from what I can tell.
For me, the biggest reason for not to buy a Pat McGrath palette is that is always a mix between a cool and warm colors. For a super warm person like me (true autumn /muted autumn), is savage that I know I'm not gonnq use three o four shadows from a palette that cost 120€. Personally think this is their biggest mistake
Watching your videos has become my guilty pleasure in the past few weeks. Your makeup and overall look is just stunning and exquisite, I actually started some significant changes in my makeup routine, I’m feeling confident and bold, that’s how much you inspire me. Your artistic approach is unique and graceful, I see nothing like it with other bloggers, and I’m dying to see more makeup (eyeshadow💔) reviews of yours.
Of course the color story is more to my liking, but the Astral shades aren't there. Sad. Why th is it still so expensive? If you change your formula change the price point. The shadows in New one look similar to lunar beautys new shimmer formula, but why pay all that money when you can get his palettes for $63 and they're beautiful quality.
I am back rewatching this because of the PML sale rn...Also watched KBJ and Alicia's review of this palette. They both also commented that the PR photos for this palette were filtered warmer than the actual palette.
Hearing this review has re-alighted my desire to get the Upma Beauty Freedom Palette, which has duochromes and a range of mattes that are arranged in a good “daily palette”. And when I hear your review, it tells me that it’s functionally useful in a kind of “daily palette” way. Time for me to sit and dupe the vibes again😭
I personally think there isn't much else brands can bring to hugely innovate shade colors, since the market is so saturated. From holographic to dynamic shimmers to multichromes, indie brands and now mainstream brands have done really well to fill that need/gap. I love clionadh, touch of glam, terra moons! I really love PML too though. I agree with you about her lack of risk taking in color stories, but I do commend her for getting better in the multichromes. She chose shiftier transitions with, tbh, better formula, while the color story is rosy, like her palettes since 7 divine rose. Of all the mainstream brands, PML I think gives shadows closest to the quality of indie brand multichromes. I hope she lets go of the rosy color story iterations and ventures out again for something more risky, like subversive (so dark and grungy!).
I hope so too BUT I’d like the left side of the palette to be less dark and smokey and more colorful too. Lol! However, I feel that since she’s become more mass market friendly and being in Sephora you have to make the mass sales and answering to her backers she leaned into more mass market sales worthy “safer” more sellable color stories. They sell and appeal and are more wearable to the majority. We more Tastemakers take more of a back seat now. Lol! 😉
It sounds bad but this is actually the first PM palette that's made me intrigued to want it, other than Divine Rose 1, but I don't own that one and I duped it out. This one I might actually pick up at some point when it goes on sale. That rose gold shade is giving me life.... All these looks are right up my ally. 😍 Also that duochrome is amazing. I own similar shades already... and I love using them. 😊
Super thorough and well thought out! I think beyond all the logical considerations, the look you're actually modelling is SO amazing, that won me over to the point where I didn't even want to worry about any other factors 🙂🖤 Like you, I love the colour story of Midnight Sun (above all the other motherships in fact), but also like you, I think it becomes quite tricky to use in practice. What do you make of Subversive btw? That one seems very 'different' from most things on the market. I don't have it (yet, haha), but I've been staring at it for a very long time wondering if we could be friends or if she's make me look crazy 🤣
I just placed a sephora order and *almost* bought this. I'm glad now that I didn't. Also I adore how poetically you describe everything--putting that MFA to use, squirrelfriend!
I think you far more eloquently worded what I think about this palette. I am a Pat nerd and will never forgive this palette for the lack of baked shades. Also these maroon tones in Sextasy and the matte plum don’t particularly suit me, so I overall consider it a good palette but not a great one.
I ordered Moonlit Seduction from the sale. I was sad when I first saw this video. I thought I may have wasted my money. But I have a much smaller makeup collection. I don't have the ND Gold palette and I don't own any indie brand eyeshadows.
I personally love this palette, I own all the motherships and this is definitely in my top 2/3! You can easily create a lilac purple look with the lilac shade or a pink look mixed with gold - divine.
I'm so glad that I rewatched your review. As I do own the Moonlit Seduction as well and was on the edge if I should keep it or not. I decided to let it go, the colorstory did not wow me anymore and I have Clionadh shadows that are similar to the special shades as well. Thank you for your thorough review! ❤️ It always helps me a lot 😊
I've come back to this review for the 6th or so time now, first for entertainment (I just love the way you talk about makeup), then my desire to own a Mothership steadily grew. I was drawn to this one & Midnight Sun, bult ultimately your description of watercolor-y made me gravitate further to Moonlit Seduction. I'm not a collector & not a makeup buff & look for a way to integrate sparkle into my everyday life. So it moved in a few weeks ago. The colours are fantastic & while I wish the pinky-plum shades were replaced by something different, I've happily reached for the palette daily. The platinum shade is my favourite, too. That was until my eyelids started to really dry out & the glitter started irritating my eyes to the point I can barely keep them open. I'll give the palette a break & try it again, but oh my, I'm so sad about this 🥺
I love how you review products, speak about textures, colors, differences, do comparisons, in this case how to pair the shades are super helpful. Thank you so much Hannah! ❤️ I am so sad they are no baked shades 😔 I love combine them together, that creates the most interesting eyelook. That being said, I will pick this palette in the near future ❤️.And I can wait for your Isamaya review, the palette is soooo Hannah!
Hey Hannah, the color mauve is named after the flower mauve, which is pale purple. It’s basically the same color as lavender, but the makeup industry has mislabeled colors as mauve for so long that no one knows what the color is. Those colors you’re calling mauve are just reds.
Thank you for the PSA, these are both on my wishlist, I'm in Europe so they are easy to get, and i also have abrasion and grisaille and that's the reason I'm not interested in this palette. I bet i can dupe the vibes od that taupe-silver shade in the middle too with some colourpop (goody two shoes or mr sandman) topped with a flakier shade from midnigbt sun or a clionadh or sparks/cava from nd.
Pat needs to make a option to build your own customized palettes. Half matte, half shimmer/special shades. Or have empty quads you could customize special shades. Dude, she could be making SO MUCH MORE If she switched around her business techniques. I ain't rich BUT if I could customize a pallette so I know I'd use every shade it would be "worth it" to me. But I find the bigger the pallete the more shades I won't use. Especially when it's pricey you critique it more. Notice how similar shades are, how certain colors don't fit, etc.
I always will prefer a color story that works really well as a palette than a bunch of intriguing shadows that are hard to pair together. All my favorites are like that. I've got to be honest the mothership colorstories have just never really captured my heart. This is the closest I've come to feeling like I want it because it's easier to use.
Yea! There are always a few shades in her other palettes that kept me from buying it (yellow/purple/blue). I saw StacyChen did soft looks with this palette which are absolutely wearable and gorgeous.
I am so happy you made this video. I LOVED your review of Midnight Sun and even though I didn't have that particular mothership it made me go play around with the motherships I do have. Can't wait to watch Becca's video next! And please keep reviewing PMG motherships :) I love hearing your thoughts on them.
It seems misleading that they are being called astral shades when they are not the usual blitz astral formula. As someone with 3 motherships, I really don't think they are worth the full price, especially if the colour story is this boring and the special shades aren't that special (in comparison to previous motherships). I think they should have omitted one of those reddish shades for a different colour, they are too similar. Thanks for your thorough review, Hannah!
I was hesitating to get this bc i cant think of a look to do but after seeing this im getting it! Thank u! I like that it’s basic but still beautiful enough to be glam.
I am once again asking where you get your incredible glimmery, shiny jewelry that I can never take my eyes off of, even in a video about Pat McGrath makeup 😍✨
I think this will be my first mothership ✨it calls to me! I am a little disappointed there isn’t one baked shade so I could try that formula! But other than that, this one is perfect for an everyday palette for me.
I think the colour story is absolutely gorgeous, the only shade I wouldn't have needed is that terracotta, it doesn't read fit in. If that had been a purple of sorts, it would've been PERFECT in my eyes.
I appreciate your take! I was interested but Beauty and the Frizz compared this to the Viseart Cashmerie palette. After her comparison I figured if I was pining for the color story, I’d pick up the Cashmerie palette on sale and move on
I'm not surprised this one is different from Midnight Sun, I've tried two of her palettes in the past and they were both different formulas and both not that good tbh, though one was better than the other
it's so hard not to want these palettes when you present them so beautifully. but i keep reminding myself that i have a ton of beautiful eyeshadows that are just as sparkly and unique and can get more for the fraction of moonlit seduction's price.
The PMG colour stories are really overwhelming on my complexion so they're great for admiring at a distance for me! Thanks for the great detailed review Hannah, got a dental abscess so trying to distract myself looking at sparkles 🤣
Wow. This has to be the most intelligent, thorough, and insightful makeup review I have ever seen. I lost interest in PML after Mel Thompson passed away (may she be resting in peace) but you video gave me that exciting feeling again. So happy I found your channel and I just became a subscriber. 😃
I wish natasha made all her palettes in the midi size and make sure she has some special style shades like the 3-4 special shades in the gold palette and some of the beautiful creamy matte options...
I stopped buying PMG's palettes before Huetopian dream. I'm done with the recycling of colors within her own line. If other brands can come up with unique color stories, so can she. It became just a money grab. I'm happy to be buying some singles instead from indie brands.
I think it’s really beautiful and still wearable glam. But I agree, should have been the baked formula. I searched Terra Moons, Terra Borealis and it’s pretty close to VR sextacy in case anyone loves the color but doesn’t want to get the whole palette.
I adore Pat McGraths artistery, but doesn't care about of her makeup line. She had the choice to create an artists brand, but chose the safe but boring luxury brand route.
The plum & rust mattes should've been a cool-tone grey, maybe a cool green. I'm also tired of a gold in every palette too. The palette is already 30% off
I stumbled upon your channel about a week ago and am loving it!! You are so thoughtful and inquisitive. You have changed my thinking of makeup and I thank you for that!!
Texture wise, VR Sextasy and Unexpected are similar. Colour wise, really quite different. Swatched next to each other, Unexpected is way more gold, VR Sextasy is darkier, murkier, red-purple-brown based, and the flip is different too, much more silvery-blue-cool toned for VR Sextasy, more green and warm toned for Unexpected. Vegas Bis from Glam Shop is pretty much a dead on dupe for VR Sextasy, in terms of colour and texture, closer even than Grisaille from Clionadh. VR Sextasy is easier to work with cause the Glam Shop shadows in the glittery formulas are very crumbly and can be messy to store and use. The Pat McGrath version applies a touch more smoothly, the base pigment is a little patchier with Glam Shop, but you can only really see that difference in a hand swatch, on the eye, they look exactly the same. Vegas Bis is actually a hint more impactful in the sparkle/shine department.
this review really solidified the fact that this is something I'm willing to pay for, I operate my collection primarily on singles, but sometimes I don't want to think, I want to grab for something that has everything I need & some different shades to mix it up. I got this as my 40th birthday present to myself because it's not super challenging & I can use all the shades with each other. I just got it today but I can't stop playing with it. Thanks for your thoughtful, in-depth reviews & approach to makeup.
"Moonlight seduction from soup to nuts" sounds like either an arthouse porn or a smutty pulp fiction novel.
💯. I can see the hype font on an old Sci-Fi/men's adventure pulp rag.
*Lol* 😂
If you’re a soft eye look person you’ll love it. Honestly this is my favorite palette from her. I’m not a collector with lots of makeup, nor am I an artistic person. I’m not paying PMG price to have blues or bright pinks that I won’t wear to work. This palette offers so much (muted gold/sliver smoky/bronze/muted pink/mauves) that I’d 100% wear everyday.
Here is my hot take: the shades Rosewood Romantique and Plum Cabaret ruin this palette for me. Why does Pat always shove this type of colours (plus a Gold shade 🙄) in the vast majority of her palettes. This colour story begs for a dark greige or an earl-grey shadow. Or even a wearable swampy green (which is very trendy right now).
100% agree!!
They're her favourite colors. Lol. Yes it's that simple. And it's the same story for the mauves and golds haha. She can never get enough.
She loves the Bridgerton aesthetic, Star Wars, so thats who she's collabed with. I feel your pain, though, I've wanted a muted palette like Midnight Sun or something amped up like Subliminal for years now... she still has her rose colored glasses on, but I'm craving a world of green and ash 😭
Edit: I just remembered what she calls those shades, they're like eye blush. I literally try to cancel out redness around my eyes so imagine my disappointment lmao
I agree. Those are the 2 shades I wish I could replace
Also, yes a griege or earl gray would be would I would want as well
@@Phoenixhunter157 ironically Midnight Sun has something similar to that, and I love using it as smokey liner
You have a wonderfully satisfying way of speaking, and especially reviewing makeup. It feels as if I have this pallet in my own hands. I’m so appreciative of this. Thank you.
I wish she would just release more blitz astral quads. Quads of baked shades is all I need.
I exclusively use my fingers with the special shades.
Iconic Illumination and Nocturnal Nirvana made me soooo feverish and antsy, I only knew peace after owning both and it was worth it. They're stunning, perfect for work or special occasions.
If she came out with more in a wider array of tones it'd be a must buy again! Let the rose era end!
Same and same!
Yes!!! I love my ritualistic rose quad❤️
I agree! I would wear that!
Also I wish that she would do a neutral/daily quad that has an astral shade, I would have bought one if so.
Urg I missed out on nirvana and iconic illumination, I would do anything to get my hands on either and if PMG released the specials shades from motherships 1 and 2 as a quad ! Forget it take all my money Pat.
I really wish PMG would allow us to pay more to do a pick and mix/build your own adventure palette
Either that or make the palettes so the shadows can be switched out, I would love to be able to mix and match the shades and make a custom palette.
@@jenniferflinchum9424 Me too! I would love to switch out some of the left side shades and put a deep almost blackened aubergine as the deepening shade, switch out one of the burgundies for an almost periwinkle purple, and maybe even add a green and then I’d be satisfied. But 2 burgundies (plum leaning and burgundy leaning) just looks the same on my tan skin. I want MORE variety of looks! Not just brown and burgundy. So I end up supplementing with other matte singles or palettes to achieve more looks from my Moonlit palette that in the end I really didn’t want to be doing. As much as I adore this palette I also find it frustrating for that reason.
@@jenniferflinchum9424 my dream
Pick and mix PMG would be a bajillion dollars
Don’t you think her price point is already overpriced? No I think she needs to show why her product is so expensive.
I honestly love your reviews and your beauty content overall. I appreciate the fact that you actually try the products several times and we don’t get first impressions. You have honestly inspired me to be more conscious on my beauty purchases (and as a college student with a passion for makeup, my wallet thanks you too lol). Thank you for this beautiful channel Hannah❤️
Thank you for this video Hannah! It made me decide that I definitely do not need this palette 😂 I have 6 of the 10 Mothership palettes and I could tell immediately that the special shades were different!! The cooler toned color story really appealed to me (especially that platinum gunmetal shade WOW) but I’m quite disappointed being that this is the 10th Mothership. I miss the feeling that I got when she released the first 3. They were so unique to the market and they were colorful yet wearable and cohesive. I think a lot of us were hoping for multichromes, blues, greens, purples and silver or gray shades! If you collect PMG at all then you have a ton of warm pinks/ roses and golds. It seems she’s gone too mainstream and is just trying to sell wearable products for the average consumer rather than creating avant-garde editorial runway makeup. All the motherships say ‘USE WITHOUT CAUTION’ yet we get another neutral pinky palette/ arguably Divine Rose 4 😂 just my thoughts as a Pat McGrath stan 💖
I’ve been wanting to delve into PMG eyeshadows for a while, but have been reluctant to pull the trigger because of the price point. After watching several reviews and their complaints about this palette, your review has really solidified the fact that I’m in the minority and actually WANT to get this as my first PMG palette because of that cohesion and ease of use! As always, thank you so much for the thoughtful and balanced reviews, it truly helps me make informed decisions and wiser purchases (though I’ll still be waiting for a Sephora or PMG sale to get it)!
I have all of her palettes and this is my favorite. The gunmetal shade is just like an astral to me so this is also the best value palette imo. I don’t think you will be disappointed. Great every day palette and better than divine rose.
Highly recommend waiting for a PMG sale because they always do much better deals on their palettes than on the Sephora website. I bought two PMG palettes in the last year and got a better sale price on the actual website. Hope you really like it either way!
Yes! Wait for the sales!
The reviews really are so mixed but I realized it’s just personal preference. The rosy shades aren’t as exciting but always look good with my green eyes so I can’t go wrong with them. I’ve also been waiting for a palette with more blitz astral shades so I bought it and I think it might be my new favorite. I would suggest getting the intesifeyes stick with this one. The blitz astral shades need a base and I always think about putting a glitter glue down but it’s messy and time consuming but it’s only one shade in the other palettes so for this one, it was a really good investment to get the base stick to quickly swipe on so I use those shades to full impact
there is a sale right now on the pat mcgrath website! i dont know if this pallete is excluded or not but might be worth looking into
I would totally love to watch a video on which you get your colors analyzed by a color specialist. Like the old school summer, winter, spring, autumn coloring. I think that would be fascinating and would love to see your reaction to that information.
The way you structure your videos, I love knowing what to expect. It is like reading an extremely well organized report
i always kinda asuumed you had brown eyes but in these close ups i can see that they are a really interesting deep green and only around the pupil it gets a little brownish wow ive never seen an iris quite like these i love them
Hannah…. Your color story section with those hand swatches showing us the shades you’ve been using together, plus adding any other shade, plus adding that “oil slick” shade to the center… is possibly the most helpful thing I’ve seen on RUclips in a very long time. Thank you. I hope you see this comment
Makeup purchases are thoroughly researched and planned investments for me so I can't tell you how much I appreciate your detailed reviews. Even if you don't like something and I suspect I will, your detailed explanation helps me figure that out.
Like you, I have both this palette and Midnight Sun. I agree with everything you’ve said. I am a neutral-toned person/leaning warm with some olive going on and I find this palette is a great way for me to wear cool tones without looking too purple. I never get backed in a corner and can warm things up easily or cool them down as well within this palette. I am also relieved how different it is than Midnight Sun. I agree with you that if I had to rate the two I would say Midnight Sun is still my preferred palette, but for some reason I have been using this one almost everyday since I received it. It’s so easy and always turns out great. That platinum/gray shade makes me feel so special and sultry. I almost wish I could switch out plum cabaret for something different but I’m not sure what- maybe a khaki shade with more gray in it than the one in Midnight sun. Would love to see a green color story from Pat sometime in the near future. Overall, I am glad to own this and I now wish I could return my holiday quad with similar shades because this is the much better version. I always enjoy your videos!
I really enjoyed seeing all the color combos. Since I only use three shades max, usually 2, and I usually have trouble with color combos, I appreciated this particular analysis.
I would never buy a Pat Macgrath palette due to price, but I do love hearing you talk about them! Based on your description, this would probably be the one for me, but as you said, I can probably get similar looks with what I already have. I'm rocking a cool toned brown smokey eye today.
I came to your channel from your review of midnight sun - the title got me, and I was looking for inspiration for looks after I had bought it. I’m so glad the algorithm kept putting you in front of me! ❤️
I love this palette, honestly. I have divine rose 1 and it’s just a bit too warm for day to day use for work. This just isn’t as pigmented, and the cool tone are both perfect for me for work, but I can also be easily to glam it up quickly too. If you fair, cool to neutral undertone , and want something that’s easier to wear day to day, this is perfect.
Another fair, cool, neutral one is mothership I: Subliminal. I use it constantly (the deeper, bright blue being more of an accent for nights out rather than all over).
Same! This one is my fav. Not too warm nor too cool. I’m not the person who packs on lots of mattes so I don’t care about the mauve/purple.
Hannah, I feel compelled to tell you that I found you through TFD. I never had a compulsion to shop, I'm actually a minimalist and I have very little interest in fashion or makeup. But your videos, the way you are able to analyse where your issues came from and so so so much more... you just speak straight into my heart.
The way you describe using the VR shade here is exactly what happens to me when I use Bronze Seduction. I can’t help myself from putting Fire Opal on my lid every time because it’s just beyond.
Completely agree
I’ve been sitting on the thought of buying this palette. I saw it periodically in my walk around beauty youtube. But most recently i came across one of your newer videos and just fell in love with the way you describe this color story. I’ve seem several videos since then. And i decided to buy it! The colors just live in my waking dreams. I love a cool tone story, and this just gives that to me with a bit of warm tone sprinkled in. I appreciate your thorough reviews! They really help me decide what is worth my coin. ❤
I have to agree with you Hannah! Her metalic formula is great. 😊 On the other hand , am I crazy or the silver has a green undertone?
This was so helpful. As someone who owns midnight sun and loves the special formula, this helped me save $170 (Canadian). Turns out all I really wanted this for is that plum-y, blue-shift shade which I can achieve with other things I have and glitter glue.
Thank you :)
You must try MAC Blue Brown pigment if you love that shade...one vial of that is like a lifetime's supply too!
@@ParchCraftAustralia that is in fact one of the “other things” I can achieve the look with, so good. There’s also a shade in the too faced clover palette!
I just got this palette yesterday and I think it’s my favorite. It’s my 4th palette. Divine rose 2 is my favorite, or was, but I think this might bump it to second place. I love this review. I have midnight Sun and divine rose 1 also. I have so much fun with these palettes. Midnight Sun is the only other palette that you compared moonlit seduction too that I own which is probably why it’s still so unique in my collection. I was hoping for a palette with more blitz astral shades and I was so excited when I saw this and I haven’t been disappointed with it so far! But I’m glad to see such in depth reviews because these palettes are too expensive not to know exactly what you’re getting
Nothing compares to how thoroughly you review products.
The color/look swatch comparisons were fabulous! I found it so impactful visually, seeing you VR Sextacy layered over each combination. ❤
Thanks for this review. I completely agree with your thoughts. Whilst it’s not as editorial and at first glance showstopping it’s is now my most used mothership. I have a neutral undertone and these colours suit me perfectly. With other motherships you have to think about how you are going to use them. Whereas with this you can jump in an always come out with a beautiful look. I do really hope her next mothership has some of her VR shades in. I would much rather an increase in price over cheaper substitutes. X
Honestly I think in the makeup community we look too often throguh the lenses of collector enthusiasts. Realistically most people are not going wear much else other than neutrals and pinks and gold on thier eyes and when you take each pmg palette as an Individual they’re very beautiful Still wearable with a unique colour for the mainstream market. They just perhaps add nothing for the enthusiast ordering months ahead for clionadh or someone who owns all other pmg palettes.
I live in the Philippines and have lusted over Clionadh's Grisaille ever since I saw it. Unfortunately, it is very expensive to ship Clionadh to the Phillipines so I'm so happy that it has a dupe in this new Mothership X which I ordered. :')
I bought it. Cause it is the only Pat for every day complimentary for faire skin tone
I have a feeling that this one will become a high quality, basic color story, cult classic palette. Like pat's version of sultry by ab or something.
I think I may still look for this one on Mercari in the coming months, as that's how I've obtained all my PMG palettes to date (usually for around $60 in great condition). This is definitely tempering the urge to spend full price!
Btw, can never get enough long form content 😭💜 thank you for catering to us weirdos who want ALL THE THOUGHTS
Part of me is disappointed in the “safeness” of this palette, but I have never been able to justify the cost of a PMG palette for myself. I imagine that if I was able to do it, a palette that allows as much integration as you have shown would be a better investment than one full of colours I am unlikely to use. (Chose to invest in some of the newer Clionadh shades to give some more interest to my ND minis and my Nars palettes.)
I bet you get this question a lot, but if you were to buy another Mothership palette what will it be and why?
Love the phrase “”interstitial matter”! I vow to work that into a conversation this week.
This look is gorgeous on you.
I think Subliminal would have added a lot of variety and whimsy to your arsenal-- a future self sponsored review around Christmas would be fabulous. This one was too similar to Midnight Sun without offering more fun for me to get, thanks for the confirmation!
I agree. I think HPL would get way more from Subliminal than she initially expects. I can understand why she might shy away from it though as Blitz blue is a strong cup of coffee while the rest of the palette are colors that have been duped, but frankly, not as well.
Subliminal or Sublime for the green
@@TG-jp3tc that taupe on her all over the lids and lash line with the blue inner corner would be absolutely stunning. I wish she'd venture just a bit
@@cherylb_88 I was thinking of suggesting that but I feel as though she'd use the really dirty, mucky bronze of Subliminal more. Ideally, she'd try both for review eventually... Blitz Emerald is my favourite eyeshadow just in general so I'd be delighted with either choice and I think both would fit her aesthetic
Nah I think Subversive is Hannah in a palette and I think if she got it in her hands, it would completely surprise her.
Love your content and how in depth and thoughtful you are, your videos have a real way of solidifying the way I think or should think about makeup. Thank you so much Hannah! 💗
It's so disappointing that the special shades aren't the baked formula :( I'll stay happy with my midnight sun palette
I bought this one and the huetopian dream and I feel like the huetopian dream is my favorite, because you can get so many different looks with it but they are also very cohesive. I just really like that one. This one reminds me of like a Natasha denona glam palette but with a punch. The huetopian dream was more of like a huda beauty mercury retrograde kind of palette to me. And I do like pairing those to do a look sometimes, they go together very well. I’m not against using the special shades from Pat with other palettes that make more sense to me, I’m not big on the mattes in moonlit seduction with those special shades.
I bought Midnight Sun as a Christmas palette & gift for myself, I think it’s perfect for the holidays and I can’t wait to wear it like every day once the weather changes.
I think this palette will add to your collection because it has those new formulas, so you have one old one and a new one to compare.
Im glad you reviewed this palette! Gave me even more inspiration in which I want to use it lol This is my second full sized Pat McGrath palette and for me the shades and color story in are perfect. The first one I got was bronze seduction and I rarely use it because I feel like it is almost a 1-2 trick pony. I’ve been able to use this palette so far for both my work days and my going out events so I’m very excited to have this in my collection.
I definitely enjoyed your very detailed review. I’ve been yawing Pat McGrath shadows for years and I’ve never watched such a great detailed review. I appreciate it ❤
I love the moonlit seduction palette but I love the rosy toned with dark duo chrome look. I also love the sparkly shades
I’ve never watched one of your videos before, and I’m so glad the YT algorithm recommended you! I ♥️ in-depth reviews of palettes like what you’ve done here, because while I can afford luxury makeup, I have very oily, aging skin, and my eyeshadow has to be precise. I prefer looks that are neither extreme nor boring neutrals, but I don’t have the dry skin that most luxury brands assume (looking at you, Bobbi Brown, and your giant pots of colored Vaseline). I have the Divine Rose Mothership just because it’s the most subtle, from what I can tell.
For me, the biggest reason for not to buy a Pat McGrath palette is that is always a mix between a cool and warm colors. For a super warm person like me (true autumn /muted autumn), is savage that I know I'm not gonnq use three o four shadows from a palette that cost 120€. Personally think this is their biggest mistake
Watching your videos has become my guilty pleasure in the past few weeks. Your makeup and overall look is just stunning and exquisite, I actually started some significant changes in my makeup routine, I’m feeling confident and bold, that’s how much you inspire me. Your artistic approach is unique and graceful, I see nothing like it with other bloggers, and I’m dying to see more makeup (eyeshadow💔) reviews of yours.
Of course the color story is more to my liking, but the Astral shades aren't there. Sad. Why th is it still so expensive? If you change your formula change the price point.
The shadows in New one look similar to lunar beautys new shimmer formula, but why pay all that money when you can get his palettes for $63 and they're beautiful quality.
I am back rewatching this because of the PML sale rn...Also watched KBJ and Alicia's review of this palette. They both also commented that the PR photos for this palette were filtered warmer than the actual palette.
Hearing this review has re-alighted my desire to get the Upma Beauty Freedom Palette, which has duochromes and a range of mattes that are arranged in a good “daily palette”. And when I hear your review, it tells me that it’s functionally useful in a kind of “daily palette” way. Time for me to sit and dupe the vibes again😭
I personally think there isn't much else brands can bring to hugely innovate shade colors, since the market is so saturated. From holographic to dynamic shimmers to multichromes, indie brands and now mainstream brands have done really well to fill that need/gap. I love clionadh, touch of glam, terra moons! I really love PML too though. I agree with you about her lack of risk taking in color stories, but I do commend her for getting better in the multichromes. She chose shiftier transitions with, tbh, better formula, while the color story is rosy, like her palettes since 7 divine rose. Of all the mainstream brands, PML I think gives shadows closest to the quality of indie brand multichromes. I hope she lets go of the rosy color story iterations and ventures out again for something more risky, like subversive (so dark and grungy!).
I hope so too BUT I’d like the left side of the palette to be less dark and smokey and more colorful too. Lol! However, I feel that since she’s become more mass market friendly and being in Sephora you have to make the mass sales and answering to her backers she leaned into more mass market sales worthy “safer” more sellable color stories. They sell and appeal and are more wearable to the majority. We more Tastemakers take more of a back seat now. Lol! 😉
It sounds bad but this is actually the first PM palette that's made me intrigued to want it, other than Divine Rose 1, but I don't own that one and I duped it out. This one I might actually pick up at some point when it goes on sale. That rose gold shade is giving me life.... All these looks are right up my ally. 😍 Also that duochrome is amazing. I own similar shades already... and I love using them. 😊
Super thorough and well thought out! I think beyond all the logical considerations, the look you're actually modelling is SO amazing, that won me over to the point where I didn't even want to worry about any other factors 🙂🖤 Like you, I love the colour story of Midnight Sun (above all the other motherships in fact), but also like you, I think it becomes quite tricky to use in practice. What do you make of Subversive btw? That one seems very 'different' from most things on the market. I don't have it (yet, haha), but I've been staring at it for a very long time wondering if we could be friends or if she's make me look crazy 🤣
wow, this is a hell of a review! well-done, proper, thorough, just wonderful. bravo! and thank you 🙂❤️
I just placed a sephora order and *almost* bought this. I'm glad now that I didn't. Also I adore how poetically you describe everything--putting that MFA to use, squirrelfriend!
I think you far more eloquently worded what I think about this palette. I am a Pat nerd and will never forgive this palette for the lack of baked shades. Also these maroon tones in Sextasy and the matte plum don’t particularly suit me, so I overall consider it a good palette but not a great one.
I ordered Moonlit Seduction from the sale. I was sad when I first saw this video. I thought I may have wasted my money. But I have a much smaller makeup collection. I don't have the ND Gold palette and I don't own any indie brand eyeshadows.
I think you'll love it! It offers so much
I personally love this palette, I own all the motherships and this is definitely in my top 2/3! You can easily create a lilac purple look with the lilac shade or a pink look mixed with gold - divine.
I was very surprised to see no comparisons with JD Glow eyeshadows here.
I'm so glad that I rewatched your review. As I do own the Moonlit Seduction as well and was on the edge if I should keep it or not. I decided to let it go, the colorstory did not wow me anymore and I have Clionadh shadows that are similar to the special shades as well. Thank you for your thorough review! ❤️ It always helps me a lot 😊
I've come back to this review for the 6th or so time now, first for entertainment (I just love the way you talk about makeup), then my desire to own a Mothership steadily grew. I was drawn to this one & Midnight Sun, bult ultimately your description of watercolor-y made me gravitate further to Moonlit Seduction. I'm not a collector & not a makeup buff & look for a way to integrate sparkle into my everyday life. So it moved in a few weeks ago. The colours are fantastic & while I wish the pinky-plum shades were replaced by something different, I've happily reached for the palette daily. The platinum shade is my favourite, too. That was until my eyelids started to really dry out & the glitter started irritating my eyes to the point I can barely keep them open. I'll give the palette a break & try it again, but oh my, I'm so sad about this 🥺
I love how you review products, speak about textures, colors, differences, do comparisons, in this case how to pair the shades are super helpful. Thank you so much Hannah! ❤️ I am so sad they are no baked shades 😔 I love combine them together, that creates the most interesting eyelook. That being said, I will pick this palette in the near future ❤️.And I can wait for your Isamaya review, the palette is soooo Hannah!
Hey Hannah, the color mauve is named after the flower mauve, which is pale purple. It’s basically the same color as lavender, but the makeup industry has mislabeled colors as mauve for so long that no one knows what the color is. Those colors you’re calling mauve are just reds.
For everyone here who is obsessed with the blue-brown shadow: it's the same as Glamshop Vegas Bis or Asteroid
Thank you for the PSA, these are both on my wishlist, I'm in Europe so they are easy to get, and i also have abrasion and grisaille and that's the reason I'm not interested in this palette. I bet i can dupe the vibes od that taupe-silver shade in the middle too with some colourpop (goody two shoes or mr sandman) topped with a flakier shade from midnigbt sun or a clionadh or sparks/cava from nd.
Don’t forget many people sell these second hand much cheaper!
from an extensive experience: Clionadh glitter and Stained Glass shadows >>>> Pat McGrath special shades.
that's all I have to say.
The eye look is so flattering on you.
This palette has quickly become my second fave after Midnight sun, which was shocking to me tbh
Bonus points for use of the word “interstitial”. 🤓😊
Pat needs to make a option to build your own customized palettes. Half matte, half shimmer/special shades. Or have empty quads you could customize special shades. Dude, she could be making SO MUCH MORE If she switched around her business techniques. I ain't rich BUT if I could customize a pallette so I know I'd use every shade it would be "worth it" to me. But I find the bigger the pallete the more shades I won't use. Especially when it's pricey you critique it more. Notice how similar shades are, how certain colors don't fit, etc.
I always will prefer a color story that works really well as a palette than a bunch of intriguing shadows that are hard to pair together. All my favorites are like that. I've got to be honest the mothership colorstories have just never really captured my heart. This is the closest I've come to feeling like I want it because it's easier to use.
Yea! There are always a few shades in her other palettes that kept me from buying it (yellow/purple/blue). I saw StacyChen did soft looks with this palette which are absolutely wearable and gorgeous.
I am so happy you made this video. I LOVED your review of Midnight Sun and even though I didn't have that particular mothership it made me go play around with the motherships I do have. Can't wait to watch Becca's video next! And please keep reviewing PMG motherships :) I love hearing your thoughts on them.
It seems misleading that they are being called astral shades when they are not the usual blitz astral formula. As someone with 3 motherships, I really don't think they are worth the full price, especially if the colour story is this boring and the special shades aren't that special (in comparison to previous motherships). I think they should have omitted one of those reddish shades for a different colour, they are too similar. Thanks for your thorough review, Hannah!
I was hesitating to get this bc i cant think of a look to do but after seeing this im getting it! Thank u! I like that it’s basic but still beautiful enough to be glam.
I am once again asking where you get your incredible glimmery, shiny jewelry that I can never take my eyes off of, even in a video about Pat McGrath makeup 😍✨
I think this will be my first mothership ✨it calls to me! I am a little disappointed there isn’t one baked shade so I could try that formula! But other than that, this one is perfect for an everyday palette for me.
I just love that VR oil slick-like shade . I love your look roo
This palette could have been named "Cherry Cola"
I think the colour story is absolutely gorgeous, the only shade I wouldn't have needed is that terracotta, it doesn't read fit in. If that had been a purple of sorts, it would've been PERFECT in my eyes.
I appreciate your take! I was interested but Beauty and the Frizz compared this to the Viseart Cashmerie palette. After her comparison I figured if I was pining for the color story, I’d pick up the Cashmerie palette on sale and move on
The cashmerie palette is lovely- I own and use it almost every day
I'm not surprised this one is different from Midnight Sun, I've tried two of her palettes in the past and they were both different formulas and both not that good tbh, though one was better than the other
it's so hard not to want these palettes when you present them so beautifully. but i keep reminding myself that i have a ton of beautiful eyeshadows that are just as sparkly and unique and can get more for the fraction of moonlit seduction's price.
The PMG colour stories are really overwhelming on my complexion so they're great for admiring at a distance for me!
Thanks for the great detailed review Hannah, got a dental abscess so trying to distract myself looking at sparkles 🤣
They overwhelm my complexion too!
I got a Terramoon's shadow that is similar to Abrasion and now I want to try using it to do looks like you showed.
Wow. This has to be the most intelligent, thorough, and insightful makeup review I have ever seen. I lost interest in PML after Mel Thompson passed away (may she be resting in peace) but you video gave me that exciting feeling again. So happy I found your channel and I just became a subscriber. 😃
Agree. This video and Mel were great. I also enjoy Alicia Archer. She loves PMG and gets me inspired
I wish Natasha Denona did pallettes in this size. ND would probably offer more exciting color stories but similarly exciting colors
I wish natasha made all her palettes in the midi size and make sure she has some special style shades like the 3-4 special shades in the gold palette and some of the beautiful creamy matte options...
I stopped buying PMG's palettes before Huetopian dream. I'm done with the recycling of colors within her own line. If other brands can come up with unique color stories, so can she. It became just a money grab. I'm happy to be buying some singles instead from indie brands.
I have been so bored with my eyeshadow and I always do a bronze or a rose look. What if I threw out all my eyeshadow and just used this? 🤔
This was a great video and very helpful. My undertones are neutral and it’s hard to find a palette that works for my skin tone.
I think it’s really beautiful and still wearable glam. But I agree, should have been the baked formula. I searched Terra Moons, Terra Borealis and it’s pretty close to VR sextacy in case anyone loves the color but doesn’t want to get the whole palette.
I adore Pat McGraths artistery, but doesn't care about of her makeup line. She had the choice to create an artists brand, but chose the safe but boring luxury brand route.
Moonlit seduction and midnight sun are my two favourites! ❤️
I agree it's the same old same old but I love the look you did and I like that one vr sextasy shade. I want this.. on sale that is.
The plum & rust mattes should've been a cool-tone grey, maybe a cool green. I'm also tired of a gold in every palette too. The palette is already 30% off
I don't understand why the special shades wouldn't be baked in pallet 10. The baked formula is so perfect
Cutting costs
I stumbled upon your channel about a week ago and am loving it!! You are so thoughtful and inquisitive. You have changed my thinking of makeup and I thank you for that!!
Okay but how does the green/blue brown shifty shade compare to Unexpected from JD glow? I feel like they could be the closest dupes, maybe?
Texture wise, VR Sextasy and Unexpected are similar. Colour wise, really quite different. Swatched next to each other, Unexpected is way more gold, VR Sextasy is darkier, murkier, red-purple-brown based, and the flip is different too, much more silvery-blue-cool toned for VR Sextasy, more green and warm toned for Unexpected. Vegas Bis from Glam Shop is pretty much a dead on dupe for VR Sextasy, in terms of colour and texture, closer even than Grisaille from Clionadh. VR Sextasy is easier to work with cause the Glam Shop shadows in the glittery formulas are very crumbly and can be messy to store and use. The Pat McGrath version applies a touch more smoothly, the base pigment is a little patchier with Glam Shop, but you can only really see that difference in a hand swatch, on the eye, they look exactly the same. Vegas Bis is actually a hint more impactful in the sparkle/shine department.
Thank you. This was the most helpful review I've watched to date on the PMG formula and the special shades. This palette is a pass for me.
30:36 reading me to filth 🤣💖
HOW DID I NOT REALIZE THE BLITZ ASTRALS ARENT BAKED?!?! I knew something felt off and less special and I couldn’t put my finger on it but that’s it!
this review really solidified the fact that this is something I'm willing to pay for, I operate my collection primarily on singles, but sometimes I don't want to think, I want to grab for something that has everything I need & some different shades to mix it up. I got this as my 40th birthday present to myself because it's not super challenging & I can use all the shades with each other. I just got it today but I can't stop playing with it. Thanks for your thoughtful, in-depth reviews & approach to makeup.