I think Louise getting ready to jump Ian after a
single compliment displayed that nothing is really off limits. Yes, Louise is a little attention-whore, she's of course a different unit compared to Cindy, it's no surprise with her at the end of the day. But narratively it wouldn't have hurt for her and Ian to require a bit more than a single bump in approval to be able to jump straight to sexting, and if sexual developments can happen spontaneously with one pairing they can with another as well.
Lena and Emma didn't know each other to justify anything either at one point, it has still come about. If Lena isn't receptive to Louise she doesn't monologue about being attracted to her, neither does she with Holly if nothing sexual is ever really initiated with her, they're just friends. Lena doesn't consider Eli's attractiveness either unless you choose to flirt with her.
That an opportunity with Cindy has not
yet presented itself is not the same as one will never come. Whether one will come is of course up to Eva at the end of the day and I wouldn't be surprised if it indeed never comes about either. I just don't think it should be entirely rejected just because of a silly little thing like their history