1. First, you need a game that using the TyranoBuilder engine.
For example, Female Teacher Brainwashing and Training
The game in the file manager looks like this.
2.You need to download the linux version of electron v9.4.4 from the
The unzipped archive with the electron looks like this
Now we need to replace the resources folder from the game folder to the electron folder
and we open this folder.
There may be an extracted app folder or an app.asar file.
If there is a file there, you need to extract the folder and name it app (the archive can be extracted using the
After that, we need to edit the resources/app/tyrano/libs.js file.
3.searching for the line
and replace the function inside with
4.After modifying the file you are done with the linux build of your game
you can launch it using electron executable file
For example, Female Teacher Brainwashing and Training
The game in the file manager looks like this.

2.You need to download the linux version of electron v9.4.4 from the
You must be registered to see the links
which is called electron-linux-x64.zip . (you can also download a mac os version if you are interested)The unzipped archive with the electron looks like this

Now we need to replace the resources folder from the game folder to the electron folder
and we open this folder.
There may be an extracted app folder or an app.asar file.

If there is a file there, you need to extract the folder and name it app (the archive can be extracted using the
You must be registered to see the links
program).After that, we need to edit the resources/app/tyrano/libs.js file.
3.searching for the line
$.userenv = function() {
in this file
and replace the function inside with

var userAgent = navigator.userAgent;
if (userAgent.match(/iphone|ipad|ipod/i)) {
return "iphone";
} else if (userAgent.match(/android/i)) {
return "android";
} else {
return "pc";
you can launch it using electron executable file
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