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Initial D
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Mar 13, 2013 4:51 PM

Jan 2009
Man, the back and forth pace of the battle between Ryo and Hojo was a seriously good watch. I really like how we got the 10th episode right after 9 leaving on such a good "cliffhanger".

This 5th season is really starting to pick up and make it's way up to being as good, if not better than the other stages. I hope we get more climaxes as good as this with Fujiwara.
IG: @ChrisCrossCrash
"There isn't a single guy who doesn't want to spoil his girl."
--Amagami SS
Mar 13, 2013 5:03 PM
Oct 2010
badass ep. loser in the nizz is such a loser. ryo should let him drive off cliff.

and fucking buddha guy at the end wanting to help throughout the match then sees ryo trying to stop the nizz and is all chill in the back now. wtf guy
Dont bother replying to my posts in forums, dont check them afterwards.

Mar 20, 2013 4:10 AM

May 2008
MAN best match in the 5th stage. Poor guy wasnt loved by the girl that love him . Even though he should not have done those things but the girl shouldnt have suicided as well . Ryousuke ended up having to shoulder everyone's burden.

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Apr 4, 2013 10:21 PM

Jan 2009
greenmush said:
MAN best match in the 5th stage. Poor guy wasnt loved by the girl that love him . Even though he should not have done those things but the girl shouldnt have suicided as well . Ryousuke ended up having to shoulder everyone's burden.

nice summary and insight right there, but thats how Ryousuke is an awesome monster though

damn that cliffhanger i wanna see soon if both of them will survive
Apr 18, 2013 6:46 PM
Feb 2012
again the music was ok but could have used a better BGM

Ryousuke driving up the cliff side is unreal
May 14, 2013 10:05 AM

Aug 2010
Really good episode. Awesome Battle and how Ryousuke keeps recovering is awesome. Ryo is BOSS!

I wonder if Zero mindset guy will help with the brakes nxt ep?
May 30, 2013 8:50 AM

May 2008
What a cliffhanger at the end, I want to see the next episode so badly now. I was also wondering if that Zero guy will help them out.
Anyway, Ryousuke is a driving beast.
Jun 5, 2013 1:40 PM

May 2007
Kaori is such an idiot. I feel bad for both guys.
Jun 15, 2013 2:28 PM

Jan 2008
Intense Battle! It's so nice to see Ryousuke driving again :)
Apr 25, 2014 2:46 AM

Apr 2011
What so damn intense!
Mar 10, 2015 4:04 AM

Aug 2014
I wonder if the the other guy will do something to intervene or if he is just there to shit his pants the entire race...
Apr 11, 2015 1:19 PM

Mar 2012
Kaori is such an idiot. I feel bad for both guys.

All three of them are idiots.

Kaori for not considering the negative affects that her suicide would have on the ones that love her (mostly Ryousuke).

The moron in the R32 for playing a big part in Kaori's suicide, purposely endangering other people's lives by driving like a maniac with the excuse that he doesn't care about dying, and having the balls to talk shit about Ryousuke because he actually moved on.

And also Ryousuke himself for risking his life and giving a dam about the moron in the R32 without thinking about how his death would affect everyone in Project D who deeply care for him.

This whole subplot is just a headache and a bad excuse to see Ryousuke back in action. There could've been better ways to do it but they just had to go with this one -_-
May 29, 2015 1:50 PM

Jan 2015
Avenger-senpai said:
This whole subplot is just a headache and a bad excuse to see Ryousuke back in action. There could've been better ways to do it but they just had to go with this one -_-

Exactly. Couldn't enjoy the race properly because of this lame ass plot
Sep 18, 2015 6:12 AM
Dec 2009
I for one really liked this cliffhanger. Really excited to start the next episode.

I understand Kaori felt cornered but taking her life was not the solution here. I think she had a mental illness (like depression) and needed professional help. Instead all of those who were around her at the time are now blaming themselves.

Hope everyone pulls through somehow!
May 23, 2016 8:27 AM

May 2012
Damn what a cliffhanger ending! Still epic development I must say, the continuous flashbacks are just great, and I really do wonder how this will end next!
Dec 21, 2016 2:31 PM

May 2016
The best episode of this season for the moment.
This battle is really exciting.
That ending leaves a lot of suspense!
Feb 11, 2018 7:42 PM

Feb 2013
3 parter...

Ryosuke is letting reaper try to kill him...
Sep 16, 2018 4:03 AM

Sep 2011
This was good, although I expect both to survive just like a "good" shounen, that cliffhanger was effective too!

But poor Kaori, she was pretty much being sold by her father so he could keep his money/business as if she were nothing but an object, no wonder the poor girl grew up believing that, as a woman, she would never have the freedom to chase her dreams like a man could, and that was another reason she tried to inspire Ryousuke I guess, but she was cornered by her father, and by that despicable Hojo guy, he went as far as harassing her by saying that she would regret not having choosing him because her father's business was going down out of pettiness, it doesn't matter if he said it was out of "frustration", he tried to intimidate her with those threats when she was already feeling pressured because of her father, and Ryousuke had no fault in this, he was the only one that didn't force himself on her, it's so unfair for this Hojo guy to blame him too. Ryousuke is such a good guy that he never intended to die or to let that guy kill himself, what was to be expected, and he's also not to blame for being strong and moving forward instead of breaking down like Hojo, oh, and I stand corrected, the guy wasn't the father of the other Hojo, just his older brother, I misunderstood the situation somewhere along the line. Well, let's see how it ends, but this is already most certainly the highlight of this stage.
Jun 22, 2019 2:32 PM
Apr 2016
Well, that certainly adds a lot of depth to the trio's story. So, now we know what happened, to drive her to suicide, she probably thought Ryosuke could move on though, and because of that disregarded his upcoming ride of devastation.
Oct 19, 2020 2:33 AM
Aug 2020
Worst ep in the entire D series
Crummy commentary by mr zero . btw , Ryousuke learns from Takumi about off-roading , not vice versa
2 suicidal morons , just another way to say ... Loser
Ryousuke fails at being himself
And if mr emo grim reaper had actually done sh_t like that the locals would've hunted him down long ago . Everyone knew who he was
Nov 7, 2020 1:05 PM

Oct 2013
Red car should've used his sound signal. Maybe that would somehow affect Shinigami before going fully mad.

Bah, so that Kaori was a regular childish queen-wannabe. She wanted luxury and emotions, that's all. She was too weak to face reality and after noticing she couldn't control everything and everyone she decided to commit suicide. Ryousuke also had money, so no idea she did that. Kaori surely had some personality issues.

Damn, that cliffhanger looks so bad. I hope nothing bad is gonna happen. :(
Dec 10, 2020 1:25 PM

May 2018
Great episode! I like the telepathic conversations between Ryosuke and Shinigami guy lol
Feb 8, 2021 8:40 PM

Aug 2018
By far the best episode this season! So intense!!!

Mar 11, 2021 11:21 AM
Mar 2016
So I didn't particularly like Mogi. Nothing against escorts, but you gotta tell your partner shit like that. Also pretty fucked up for a minor to be escorting a middle-aged man no matter how much of a platonic sugar daddy he is.

Moka and Sayuki were fun and interesting. Iketani was a massive jerk. Kazumi was typical but perfectly fine. Kyoko was earnest, and I respect her tenacity. Takumi's new chick is literally just a replacement for Mogi.

But so far I absolutely hate this new chick. She's super wealthy and going to med school. She's got two super wealthy and talented suitors. And yet she feels like she has no options whatsoever in life other than to kill herself over a forced marriage because she loves her fiance but she loves the new guy she's essentially cheating on him with more? Sure her dad's a jerk and clearly pressuring the arrangement, but she should know enough about her betrothed to at least understand how upset he would be and how he might lash out at this betrayal.

It would be one thing if this was just some random suitor she didn't really know or was poor or her father was in crippling debt. Maybe they could flunk her out of med school or something. But it looks like the only downside for her turning down the marriage was that her dad would lose some money and stop paying for her tuition. Why not empty the bank account while you still can and just leave? Transfer to a new school with your new boyfriend? But instead she just killed herself. For absolutely no reason. Because she felt like she had to settle between a great life and a good one. Freaking hell, if you want to be that indecisive just get married and divorce after you graduate or something.

She seems like a raging hypocrite who's literally skating through life. It's pretty hard for me to feel sorry for her without inserting a bunch of unwritten crap into the plot to justify it. And if I have to do that for the plot or emotional reaction to make sense, then the writing is a crapshoot. This dynamic has been told a million times over; it's not hard to add a little subtext to it.
May 17, 2021 1:13 PM

Aug 2018
Very great and intense episode specially because its a very interesting and sad battle
Oct 11, 2021 1:08 PM

Nov 2016
Gmancam said:
I wonder if the the other guy will do something to intervene or if he is just there to shit his pants the entire race...

Lmao. You always need someone to drop comments on a battle/situation in these sports series.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Feb 28, 2022 9:24 PM

Jan 2021
Maybe the guy in the red car could help Ryousuke stop the skyline

Jan 27, 2023 4:03 AM

Apr 2022
this race already has more intensity than every race in fourth stage.

not just a race but a mental battle too. last scene with kaori was tough, RIP.

ryosuke's a real one tho. 'you can't let the depth of your scar and sadness stop you from moving forward.' loved that.
Jan 29, 2023 11:51 AM
Sep 2018
the grim reaper episode against takahashi has got to be the best battle ever.
Feb 10, 2023 9:57 AM
Apr 2022
1 race takin 3 episodes cmon man
Feb 24, 2023 4:08 PM

Jun 2020
This love triangle is a headache and I can see why especially with the 2 suicidal characters that we got, must say glad that Ryosuke is back but it really is forced well the whole thing is forced on him so that's why it does feel like it, eitherway would like this battle to end probably the next episode now to see what actually happens in the race between these drivers, the other one is just suicidal and the other just wanted a front row seat.
Sep 28, 2024 1:44 PM

Apr 2021
I feel sorry for both of them for having lost the person they love. Rin, with her selfishness, didn't want to use the escape route knowing that she had no more brakes, but I hope everything works out.
Jan 1, 9:19 AM

Aug 2019
And this is why I don’t enjoy love triangles lol

Everyone involved gets hurt
Jan 3, 2:01 AM
Apr 2019
So, here's some thoughts about this episode. Really got motivated to write this, since I actually loved the fighting scene between Ryousuke and Houjou, but really hated the plot behind it. I would say it made my experience with this episode rather painful and disgusting.

It's obvious that anime is old and female characters here are often depicted as either status symbols of a male character aka "haha he doesn't have a girlfriend, what a looser" or as objects for creepy jokes like "look her underwear is showing". Thank god these instances in anime are quite rare, so it makes them somewhat bearable. However, this episode just pissed me off, it probably is the most misogynistic one so far.

In this episode we found out that Ryousuke wants to "help" Houjou since they have some kind of "common pain". That's very wrong and here's why. Houjou has never loved Kaori as a human being, all his words in this episode are about her looks or her smell. He sees her as a mere object and he himself confirms it by not accepting her rejection (no matter the reason). He doesn't view her as a human being, he doesn't respect or love her, that's why he considers himself the victim in this situation and has the audacity to make threats in response to a woman's rejection. His feelings that being fed to us as "pain" are fully deserved. He feels guilty for what he and his family did to that poor woman. However, it's being portrayed like something that Ryousuke needs to help Houjou with.

After this episode i won't be able to look at Ryousuke the same. Instead of bringing justice by blaming Houjou's family and Kaori 's father for Kaori's suicide he… tries to help Houjou? He doesn't blame the killer of his lover for what he's done, he even calls him respectfully "sempai" and is happy when he successfully "helps" him.

And for Kaori herself. This character just feels like the writer's saying "women aren't strong enough to pursue their dreams. Following dreams is for the men. It's enough for women to watch their lover's dreams come true." Once again, blatant misogyny, women are shown as objects for men to "conquer". In conclusion, Houjou doesn't get ANY punishment for his actions, the writer hates women as hell, cars and racing are cool though.

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