
Forum Fanatic
Apr 28, 2020
Did you check the door that leads to downstairs, where they all gather, kitchen and all that,where the other rooms are? I missed that one too


Active Member
May 8, 2017
If it helps, all shapes and sizes of beach bros already ran a train over her. We just didn't see it.
i mean, she should have been with somebody in the time she was away. the more i think about this the more it bugs me. she could have been with somebody who is deficient in one or several ways (obvious ones or subtle ones) when compared to MC, or show how hard it is to find real chemistry with another person. that would kinda hammer home how good he was for her and what she threw away when she left. it would definitely sell the narrative point that she finally realizes what she had and why MC is so important. feels kinda cheap to try and tell that story without showing her struggle with other relationships and have some frame of reference for comparison on what she has lost.

if DPC wants to be known for making mature content, he needs to not be afraid to tell mature stories even if it upsets the wannabe-harem/"canonical virgins" bros that will always play this game. you know, where people can have sex without the MC either before or after they have met him and it doesnt detract from their characters at all and in fact makes them more believable as people with history. he is so afraid/reluctant to show Zoey go through any of these kinds of emotional hurdles herself, so he has to make to other characters to mirror her struggles and have relationship problems that she can live through vicariously. rings kinda hollow when she isnt allowed to have any firsthand experiences unless its with MC himself
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Aug 4, 2020
i mean, she should have been with somebody in the time she was away. the more i think about this the more it bugs me. she could have been with somebody who is deficient in one or several ways (obvious ones or subtle ones) when compared to MC, or show how hard it is to find real chemistry with another person. that would kinda hammer home how good he was for her and what she threw away when she left. it would definitely sell the narrative point that she finally realizes what she had and why MC is so important. feels kinda cheap to try and tell that story without showing her struggle with other relationships and have some frame of reference for comparison on what she has lost.

if DPC wants to be known for making mature content, he needs to not be afraid to tell mature stories even if it upsets the wannabe-harem/"canonical virgins" bros that will always play this game. you know, where people can have sex without the MC either before or after they have met him and it doesnt detract from their characters at all and in fact makes them more believable as people with history. he is so afraid/reluctant to show Zoey go through any of these kinds of emotional hurdles herself, so he has to make to other characters to mirror her struggles and have relationship problems that she can live through vicariously. rings kinda hollow when she isnt allowed to have any firsthand experiences unless its with MC himself
That signature :KEK:


Forum Fanatic
Apr 28, 2020
I'll laught if the key to the dream of most players, Josy and Maya breakup, become the hated blue-haired girl
Kinda screws all the paths if you ask me, knowing she's back, guess we'll have to keep playing to see what happens


New Member
Nov 9, 2018
Oh, ok. That's really annoying. The arrow looks like it's pointing back the way you came.
Yeah the navigation early on is horrendous. It gets better and I believe starting in season 2 there's a fast travel button for most free roam events.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2017
i mean, she should have been with somebody in the time she was away. the more i think about this the more it bugs me. she could have been with somebody who is deficient in one or several ways (obvious ones or subtle ones) when compared to MC, or show how hard it is to find real chemistry with another person. that would kinda hammer home how good he was for her and what she threw away when she left. it would definitely sell the narrative point that she finally realizes what she had and why MC is so important. feels kinda cheap to try and tell that story without showing her struggle with other relationships and have some frame of reference for comparison on what she has lost.

if DPC wants to be known for making mature content, he needs to not be afraid to tell mature stories even if it upsets the wannabe-harem/"canonical virgins" bros that will always play this game. you know, where people can have sex without the MC either before or after they have met him and it doesnt detract from their characters at all and in fact makes them more believable as people with history. he is so afraid/reluctant to show Zoey go through any of these kinds of emotional hurdles herself, so he has to make to other characters to mirror her struggles and have relationship problems that she can live through vicariously. rings kinda hollow when she isnt allowed to have any firsthand experiences unless its with MC himself

I always found it absurd that despite 4/5 of the central LI being in relationships DPC went so far out of his way to not show them being even slightly involved with their partner... entirely to the detriment of the characters. They all act like they're deeply in love and it's directly used as a plot point for all of the relevant girls but DPC is so afraid of NTR he wont even show them with their partners unless it's to have them argue.


Feb 26, 2021
i mean, she should have been with somebody in the time she was away. the more i think about this the more it bugs me. she could have been with somebody who is deficient in one or several ways (obvious ones or subtle ones) when compared to MC, or show how hard it is to find real chemistry with another person. that would kinda hammer home how good he was for her and what she threw away when she left. it would definitely sell the narrative point that she finally realizes what she had and why MC is so important. feels kinda cheap to try and tell that story without showing her struggle with other relationships and have some frame of reference for comparison on what she has lost.

if DPC wants to be known for making mature content, he needs to not be afraid to tell mature stories even if it upsets the wannabe-harem/"canonical virgins" bros that will always play this game. you know, where people can have sex without the MC either before or after they have met him and it doesnt detract from their characters at all and in fact makes them more believable as people with history. he is so afraid/reluctant to show Zoey go through any of these kinds of emotional hurdles herself, so he has to make to other characters to mirror her struggles and have relationship problems that she can live through vicariously. rings kinda hollow when she isnt allowed to have any firsthand experiences unless its with MC himself
Absolutely agreed on everything you said. Unfortunately, as your signature attests, DPC thinks he's running a business, and so on a cost-benefit analysis putting anything in the story that even remotely sniffs of cheating or NTR or whatever would hurt his bottom dollar, so he just won't. No matter how realistic it would be, or beneficial or interesting to the story or whatever, it's never going to happen because those sweet patreon bux would drop by a couple hundred a month and we can't have that.

My three favorite characters right now are Quinn, Lily and Nicole, all three of which would realistically be fucking other guys on the regular because of their work and other proclivities, but that will never ever in a thousand years come up in the game except as a vague implication or an implication from context. As a result, we're not getting - and won't ever get - the full stories of these characters, and nor will we see the full potential of their character growth and the MC's character growth without them going through the realistic challenges of these kinds of relationships with strippers and hookers and drug dealers. It's a shame but I've made my peace with it, like I have with pretty much every other piece of modern fiction that comes out that is either self-censored or actively censored to appeal to a certain subset of loud people who can't handle reality even in story form. If I ever make one of these games, and I'm seriously considering carving out a piece of my day to start trying now that hardware prices are falling, I won't be pulling any punches on that kind of shit, I really don't see how anyone who considers themself a writer could. Money is a hell of a drug I guess :KEK:


Engaged Member
Oct 14, 2020
i mean, she should have been with somebody in the time she was away. the more i think about this the more it bugs me. she could have been with somebody who is deficient in one or several ways (obvious ones or subtle ones) when compared to MC, or show how hard it is to find real chemistry with another person. that would kinda hammer home how good he was for her and what she threw away when she left. it would definitely sell the narrative point that she finally realizes what she had and why MC is so important. feels kinda cheap to try and tell that story without showing her struggle with other relationships and have some frame of reference for comparison on what she has lost.

if DPC wants to be known for making mature content, he needs to not be afraid to tell mature stories even if it upsets the wannabe-harem/"canonical virgins" bros that will always play this game. you know, where people can have sex without the MC either before or after they have met him and it doesnt detract from their characters at all and in fact makes them more believable as people with history. he is so afraid/reluctant to show Zoey go through any of these kinds of emotional hurdles herself, so he has to make to other characters to mirror her struggles and have relationship problems that she can live through vicariously. rings kinda hollow when she isnt allowed to have any firsthand experiences unless its with MC himself
Yes, that would be the way to tell a mature story in the AVN format. Unfortunately such a Dev remains an unfulfilled dream.

As for Zoey I think the only thing that DPC has managed to accomplish is to create another Maya.


May 24, 2019
Unfortunately, as your signature attests, DPC thinks he's running a business
I'm pretty sure DPC does this shit full time, so he's definitely running a business.

I really don't see how anyone who considers themself a writer could. Money is a hell of a drug I guess
Unfortunately, good writing doesn't always pay the bills. You'll find plenty of quality pieces of literature that just don't sell well. It's unfortunate, but it's how the economy works. If what you're offering ain't in demand, you simply don't make money.

That's why writers will reasonably appease their audiences in an effort to be more profitable. They'd rather make 100k telling a decent story, than 40k telling a great one. And I can't even blame them.

Of course, I don't really like it either, but them's the breaks. It was even worse when crowdfunding wasn't a thing.


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
You guys are overthinking this, it's a plothole because he wanted to add in a Zoey sex scene in the Interlude otherwise people would bitch but the only option is the MC. The MC wasn't intended to be 18 before Zoey left. Stop trying to make a coherent timeline.
If DPC doesn't want me to dwell on the minutiae of his game, he's welcome to release new episodes at a faster pace. :p

A lot of people seem to be convinced that the MC and/or Zoey are in love. I remain unconvinced. That they miss each other deeply is beyond debate, but missing someone and being in love with them is not the same thing. The difference is that Tremolo has taken the opportunity to explore his feelings for other people (even in playthroughs without sex) and Zoey has not. This also doesn't mean that Zoey loves him more. Some people are just more social than others and have higher sex drives. All this isn't to say that Zoey and MC wouldn't make a good couple. A strong friendship such as the one they share is a better basis for a relationship than the infatuation he has with the main love interests. But the fact is that they both had ample time to define their relationship if either of them wanted more than friendship with some fun.

I'm not sure where the relationship is headed, but I would bet the farm that as much as she misses MC Zoey is still intending to come back only as his friend. Maybe work around the campus and live life as a townie. But when she sees him with the other girls this is going to change things for her. I see Zoey and their relationship as a slow burn story that is going to have some serious ups and downs. She might even get a love interest of her own if DPC is in the mood for a revolt and doesn't mind teasing a romantic foil in the vein of Tybalt (but maybe an actual nice guy this time). But if she just shows up intending to vomit her feelings and take her place as main love interest number 6 ... nah. That isn't going to serve the story in any meaningful way. So the TL;DR is that I am bracing myself for some serious Zoey blue balling. She's Julia Roberts in "My Best Friends Wedding" and if she does get MC it is probably going to be in the final scene.

I love Zoey, but I don't think Tremolo does. Not yet anyway.
Eh, I suspect present day Zoey wants to be more than just friends with the MC - especially if you talked Emma down and she hooked back up with Bret. It's pretty clear the concept of home blindness is meant to indicate Zoey recognizes what she lost when she left the MC (though as SomboSteel said, the impact is mitigated when Zoey had no relationship of her own to learn from).

That said, I strongly agree that Zoey was never the MC's true love. She definitely had feelings for him and enjoyed spending time with him, but she didn't explore those feelings enough to gauge their depths, much less decide if she wanted to embrace them for real. Even if we assume she belatedly came to this conclusion out west (without bothering to call the MC and talk to him about it), she's still starting more or less from scratch.

Which basically puts her in the same boat as all the other Main Girls - even Quinn for that matter, if your MC is actively pursuing her. They all liked the MC for various reasons and slowly realized there could be more to it than that. Honestly, at this point the other girls might actually have pulled ahead of Zoey, since they have begun to explore those feelings actively (even if Sage was reluctant to and Quinn still won't admit she's doing it).

In short, Zoey is welcome to wait in line for a shot at the MC, but she's by no means assured of being the frontrunner. She'll be a favorite for some players which is fine, but for the rest of us she's forfeited too much ground.

If you do something stupid when you're 18, it's still stupid; there is no such thing as plenary indulgence for age.
then you, and the society, can be more or less indulgent on the consequences

bullying is a typical behavior of children and adolescents, it does not become soft and cuddly because the "young" do it

MC thinking about dropping out of college because he has an obnoxious and gruff roommate is as stupid as Zoey thinking it's her destiny to learn to surf
I was with you until the final line, but I need to part ways there. The MC planned to take a short train ride home and contemplate his next move; Zoey traveled across the country to live her dream based on a website for surfing lessons. These are not equivalent actions. On top of that, the MC was persuaded to rethink his plans by Derek and Maya (relative strangers at the time). Zoey couldn't be dissuaded by her closest friends and family, even after repeated efforts.

So no, the MC's mistakes aren't anywhere near as drastic as Zoey's. That doesn't condemn Zoey to be a bad character or mean she can't learn from those mistakes, but they can color our initial views of her even if we tolerate some of the MC's youthful hijinks.

Yes, that would be the way to tell a mature story in the AVN format. Unfortunately such a Dev remains an unfulfilled dream.

As for Zoey I think the only thing that DPC has managed to accomplish is to create another Maya.
It's a distinct possibility, but I don't think we're quite there yet. Zoey has a lot of polarizing features, but she hasn't made it personal the way Maya did by hiding her relationship after the infamous "100% honesty" demand. We'll have to wait for Season 3 to see if DPC has learned to avoid that particular pit.
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