
Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
Thats my guess, too. Only I think she might OD from discovering Quinn's 8ball, and use it.

Although, as someone ignorant in drugs, CAN you OD from just an 8ball? Its just a small amount, right?
if its what i think it is a mix of cocaine and heroine that gives you the coke blast does and the more prolonged effects that heroine does, yes depending on your organism tolerance and the way of getting it into your organism you can definitely OD! injection tend to be the preferred method since it goes in faster and harder ...

also as lemonfreak pointed out purity, and he is correct ! and my definition is wrong that is a speedball an 8 ball is just 3.5 grams and yes that shit all at once is crazy!

8 ball = 1/8 of an ounce
Sure, it comes down to tolerance and purity. If you're taking something regularly that's 50% pure and then get something that's 90%, that could be very dangerous and if, on top of that, you're only an occasional user then the danger increases exponentially. Or the coke could be mixed with something that is more toxic.

However, she's been shown to be a weed smoker and we all know paranoia is a side effect.
the paranoia effect is not on everyone it seems to have a genetic component... same for coke users some people just seem to be immune to the addictive part of it...i have my theories!

It's very bad that this game is displayed in discord, my mom plays games and uses discord, and today she decided to go to discord from her phone and write to me, but she saw the name of a strange game - Being DIK, which caused her a lot of questions, now I in a very shameful situation.:poop: (I am 24 years old)
when i was 14 my mother discovered my porn stash and told my father... took me 4 years to discover my own father had stolen my porn stash! weirdly enough she never admitted it took my father to inform me! even worse my porn stash was all English french and German magazines ... it was a great help in developing my language skills in the early years! my father only speaks Portuguese and he never showed any inkling of understanding foreigner as he calls it!

but hey my mother also never rated me out to my father or grandparents that i was a smoker and whoever does your launfry knows you are a smoker!

it was also very useful to dismiss any rumors about my supposed sexuality which is stupid because loosing my porn stash is probably what motivated me to go all in and start an active sex life... for good and for worse...
You keep assuming that Quinn IS the HOT's. Also, how do you know that Quinn's attitude to Maya isn't the result of Quinn catching onto Maya's attitude?
nope its jealousy towards the MC so if you wanna keep Maya safe stay away from her or Q will ruin every girls life she suspects as interest in you!

I don't think DPC will go as dark as he did with AL. I think hopefully he is writing something which will have a lighter ending (comparatively).

First person to die is clearly Tybalt by watermelon. As he walks out of the mansion a watermelon mysteriously falls from above... :devilish:

But if we play that game, given DPC's history... either:
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Derek is not there yet but if he has a confrontation with this father over Maya i can see it happen particularly if you have been a shitty friend!

my personal theory is death by Steve where the dude goes ape shit rapes/beats/murders up Josy after discovering she is a lesbian and calling her a cock teaser (incel rage is real man)
you and Tommy beat him up as revenge and he skips bail and sets your house father on fire with him inside! you and Tommy bond over the loss of a father and when you are leaving the graveyard Steve runs you and Tommy over with the mustang mentioned in ep1 Tommy dies and you are paralyzed from the waist down! and that is you narrating your 1st 6 months at B&R but all is not lost Jill marries you but since nothing works down there you are the perfect couple she dry humps you in your sleep and she lives a carefree life thinking she is imune to the pitfalls of sex...


but most likely Rhyona right as she quits drugs and starts trying to graduate and improving herself... that is a real punch to the stomach!

There's your problem right there, you need to lose that shit. 'A friend of mine' has had none since 'he' watched the movie Road Trip, learnt about milking the prostate and decided to experiment. When ''his' dad walked into 'his' room with a cup of tea ''he' just had to own it :LOL:
yeah... must be that story i heard about a "friend of mine" having his porno mags stolen by his father after his mom discovered them...

We should start a petition where dpc has to remake the game where we start as Steve but he's got a small dick and instead of brawler we'll use that mini game where you gotta make the girls cum.
The side girls will be like normal mode and then the main girls will be like hard mode.
technically Steve is already the MC in 90% of the games in here... but then again the MC is the archetypal Jesus on this story being born in hard conditions from a "virgin" and being fathered by a cuck carpenter that probably knows a superior being as fathered the child he is taking care off!

also after he grows up he goes around blessing everyone with his magic stick and his holy water...
Last edited:


New Member
Mar 7, 2021
Update 01/12/2020

Here is the Italian translation of "Being a Dik" version "0.6.1".
This translation is "unofficial" and "made by a fan".
The translation is provided in two formats: .exe (self-extracting) and .zip. It is not necessary to use both.

The link is: Mega
Ecco la traduzione italiana di "Being a Dik" versione "0.6.1".
Questa traduzione "non è ufficiale" e "fatta da un fan".
La traduzione viene fornita in due formati: .exe (autoestraente) e .zip. Non e' necessario utilizzarle entrambe.


Update 14/11/2020

Here is the Italian translation of "Being a Dik" version "0.6.0".
This translation is "unofficial" and "made by a fan".

The link is: Mega
Ecco la traduzione italiana di "Being a Dik" versione "0.6.0".
Questa traduzione "non è ufficiale" e "fatta da un fan".


Update 05/07/2020

Here is the Italian translation of "Being a Dik" version "0.5.2".
This translation is "unofficial" and "made by a fan".

The link is: Mega
Ecco la traduzione italiana di "Being a Dik" versione "0.5.2".
Questa traduzione "non è ufficiale" e "fatta da un fan".


Update 30/05/2020

Here is the Italian translation of "Being a Dik" version 0.5.0
The link is: Mega
Ecco la traduzione italiana di "Being a Dik" versione 0.5.0.


Update 07/03/2020

Here is the Italian translation of "Being a Dik" version 0.4.2
The link is: Mega
Ecco la traduzione italiana di "Being a Dik" versione 0.4.2.


Update 13/01/2020

Here is the Italian translation of Being a Dik version 0.4.0.
This translation is "unofficial" and "made by a fan".
It is the "rough" translation of the files without grammatical corrections, often indispensable.
From time to time I will publish revisions which, in addition to grammar, will correct errors / omissions.

The link is: Mega


Ecco la traduzione italiana di Being a Dik version 0.4.0.
Questa traduzione "non è ufficiale" e "fatta da un fan".
E' la traduzione "grezza" dei file senza correzioni grammaticali, spesso indispensabili.
Di tanto in tanto pubblicherò delle revisioni che, oltre la grammatica, aggiusteranno gli errori/omissioni.


Here is the Italian translation of Being a Dik version 0.3.1.
This translation is "unofficial" and "made by a fan".

From 13 october 2019 I have adopted a new translation and distribution system. Hoping to meet the many who have had problems with previous translations in .rar format, the new system includes a file executable (.exe) that does not need anything else.
It is the "raw" translation of files without grammatical corrections, often indispensable.
From time to time I will publish revisions which, in addition to the grammar, will correct the errors/omissions.

The link is: Mega

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You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.

Given the experimental nature of the new system, if the game has crashes / errors / anomalies, please send me, in private, the log.txt, error.txt and traceback.txt files that are generated in the folder where is the executable file of the game (Note: Not all three of these files are always present) to be able to fix things...
And if you like this translation, don't forget to put a Like, always welcome!


Ecco la traduzione italiana di Being a Dik version 0.3.1.
Questa traduzione "non è ufficiale" e "fatta da un fan".

Dal 13/10/2019 ho adottato un nuovo sistema di traduzione e di distribuzione. Sperando di venire incontro ai tanti che hanno avuto problemi con le traduzioni precedenti in formato .rar, il nuovo sistema prevede un file eseguibile (.exe) che non necessita di niente altro.
E' la traduzione "grezza" dei file senza correzioni grammaticali, spesso indispensabili.
Di tanto in tanto pubblicherò delle revisioni che, oltre la grammatica, aggiusteranno gli errori/omissioni.

Il link è: Mega

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You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.

Vista la natura sperimentale del nuovo sistema, qualora il gioco abbia crash/errori/anomalie, prego inviarmi, in privato, i file log.txt, error.txt e traceback.txt che vengono generati nella cartella dove c'è il file eseguibile del gioco (Nota: Non tutti e tre questi file sono sempre presenti) per poter aggiustare le cose...
E se questa traduzione vi piace, non dimenticate di mettere un Like, sempre ben accetto!

Il link a mega non funziona...
Graie di quanto fate


The Freakiest of Lemons
Oct 24, 2018
iyeah... must be that story i heard about a "friend of mine" having his porno mags stolen by his father after his mom discovered them...
Of course the story is about 'a friend', I don't drink tea so my dad wouldn't have been bringing me a cup and why would I fictionalise just that detail ;)

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
What was the motivation for that?
To not have to give in to her Dad's ultimatum because she'd have another tuition source, obviously.

Did she want to become their friend?
Did the MC want to become friends with the DIKs? No, but he has now that he's gotten to know them, and Maya could have easily ended up becoming friends with some of the HOTs after she got to know them.

Was she interested in them as human beings?

Did she admire the sorority and dream of being part of it?
Doesn't matter.

Did she seek to expand her social contacts?
Wouldn't that be considered "using" them if she just wanted to social climb? :unsure:

A Chick MC would avoid Quinn like the plague, that's why the mod should never have fucked with that scene.

If your mc never fucked Quinn in that rain scene, do you think you'd still have the same concern for her? Just curious.
A CHICK MC would because even if you disagree with what Quinn is doing, it's very much a CHICK action to want to help someone in need. Also, whether you fucked her or not doesn't matter because you don't have to have had sex with someone to be concerned for their wellbeing.

Ummm, I don't know what your lawyer friends told you, but joining a sorority for the financial benefits is actually legal in all 50 states.

And again, you are assuming her intent DESPITE HAVING NO ACTUAL PROOF! If Maya let Quinn know she was joining for the money from the get go, then there is literally no problem here. None. Zero. Zilch. It wouldn't be manipulative, it wouldn't be sinful, it wouldn't even be inappropriate!

But even if Maya never brought it up until the pool scene (which I doubt), that STILL doesn't make Maya a manipulator because she was simply taking advantage of an opportunity Quinn chose to provide. If Quinn believed sisterhood, networking or sorority life was such a sacred responsibility for any HOT, she could have made Maya spend time with the other HOTs to see how she fit in instead of making her grind on the MC and scavenge for sex acts. Quinn didn't, because she doesn't give a rat's ass about any of the crap you think should matter. So why should Maya?

Your personal distaste for Maya doesn't somehow make it inappropriate for Maya to do things. If you insist on believing Maya lied like a rug for Quinn to give her shot at the HOTs, knock yourself out. But stop trying to browbeat people into accepting your own personal head canon.
So who's using, lying, and just all round being naughty, in the world of Being a DIK:
  • The MC: He's fucking every girl he gets a chance to, but he's open about it (to the extent that the girls he's with know he's seeing other girls, not quite sure is people like Jill get the full picture though...)
  • Arieth: She's the female MC, except she's in a relationship with Dawe and is fucking everyone behind his back. She's the biggest cheater in the game but there's nothing but love for her from the fanbase.
  • Ashley: Never told Derek about her encounter with the MC, Derek is hurt when he finds out the truth.
  • Camila: She's a prostitute, that's probably illegal within the game's setting.
  • Cathy: She's starting a relationship with a student for her own gratification. She's using the MC. Even if the MC is a willing participant, Cathy is in a position of authority and would take more responsibility for this indiscretion.
  • Chad: He's lying to his bros about his true self, not wanting to expose his sexual identity, and worse, he's been lying to Sage about it too, using her as a shield to deflect any suspicions. He's also using steroids to cheat in the upcoming tournament.
  • Dany: She lied to Jamie, telling him she was pregnant to try to control him
  • Dawe: As a bare minimum he's using performance enhancing drugs.
  • Bella: Just ask her, she's cheating on her husband, she's cheating on Jill (in that she's fooling around with a guy her best friend is interested in), she's having a sexual relationship with a student.
  • Derek: Selling answers to school assessments, vandalizing prep property (the whole awesome sprinkler scene), making his friend hold a smelly fish because he doesn't like him touching his sister... Not sure you can say he cheated on Ashley, it's not like they were in a serious relationship...
  • Heather: Just drugs, nothing else.
  • Jade: She's cheating on her husband, with a student no less.
  • Jamie: He's cheating on Dany (fucking Arieth)
  • Josy: She cheated on Maya with the MC, although she told the MC she was in a relationship, that doesn't change what she did to Maya.
  • Maya: She cheated on Josy and didn't tell the MC she was already in a relationship. I'm not buying into the whole, "She's using the HOTS" though... The HOTs are a cesspool of corruption, so fuck them, if they are prepared to pay her tuition, that's on them. Obviously she didn't know the criteria for the full tuition, that's her problem (what, she couldn't just ask Quinn outright?)
  • Mel: She's a prostitute, that's probably illegal within the game's setting.
  • Mona: I'm gonna give her a pass, although she entertained the idea of prostitution, I don't think she sealed the deal, at least not with Burke...
  • Nick: He's shifty as fuck. I'm pretty sure he's hiding things from the DIKs and he's somewhat involved with the mansion trashing and the Cathy Cluck... I think he also lied about fucking Arieth.
  • Stephen Burke: He's cheating on his wife all over the place, with students no less. It looks like he's involved in some illegal prostitute ring at the college, facilitating the bogus scholarships as a minimum, possible the King Pin of the whole sordid situation.
  • Quinn: She's doing drugs, coercing girls into prostitution, manipulating people for her own pleasure, selling drugs, and basically all round being a cunt. But we love her for it! Oh yeah, she's even watering down the drugs she's selling Dawe to turn a better profit. What a fucking crook. You know what, I think my MC has already fucked her enough, if she dies in this game, that's on her...
  • Riona: Prostitution and doing drugs.
  • Sage: Cheated on Chad with the MC.
  • Sally: Doing drugs is about all, and not even illegal drugs, just prescription shit, so not really a bad rap sheet, although, she did murder Tybalt in the library that time...
  • Sarah: She's a prostitute, same as Mel.
  • Tommy: Doing drugs, but he's not a liar or cheater, Heather seems to be aware of all his dealings.
  • Tybalt: Lying to Jill about things to manipulate her to be with him (particularly the events of the prep mansion exodus, but lies all the fucking time trying to make himself look good)...
So all in all, the cast is filled with lying, cheating, drug using, prostitutes. So to single Maya out all the time, a girl whose life has been derailed by her own sexuality and her father's reaction to it, is just unfair.

The HOTs are not really her kind of people, but in her current situation she feels she's run out of options, so she's taking the plunge.

Sure Maya's naive, bordering on stupid, but fuck me I wouldn't want to be in her situation, a situation so many people find themselves in (not the whole trying to join a sorority for free tuition situation, but the whole parents not accepting your sexuality type situation), even in this more tolerant world today.

If the HOTs didn't want her, they could have just rejected her, but Quinn, in her infinite cuntness, decided to fuck with her some more. Suck shit Quinn, it backfired, too bad Maya didn't break your fucking rat faced nose (I'd still fuck her, Quinn that is, Maya too actually, you know what, put me down for a threesome).

All in all, Maya's transgressions are not founded from malice, she's just trying to survive.
Epic mic drop moments, brought to you by ename144 and shazba. DavDR doesn't know when he's beat. :ROFLMAO:

So you would be OK with someone who despises you coming to live in your home, pretending to be your friend, and living there just for the financial benefits?
"Despises" them? Why do you always have to keep exaggerating things to fit with your hate-filled head-canon? She never said that nor ever really gave that impression. She just parroted a derisive label about them all being "sluts" because that's probably the common rumour around campus, but this doesn't equate to Maya "despising" them, not by a long shot. It might have amounted to her having a slightly low opinion of them, but then the MC had a low opinion of the DIKs after they pranked him in Ep 1 and he wasn't keen to join them either, but once he started getting involved his opinion and attitude changed and it could easily have been the same with Maya.

How things started matter little compared to what they become, in this case. People can start off not liking each other but then become friends later once they get to know each other, and when that happens, it doesn't matter for shit what things were like in the beginning and what they thought of each other at first.

But I reckon you're right to some degree, Quinn worked out Maya's angle from the very beginning. She's not HOT material; she just wants the free tuition.
I don't think Quinn knew that. Quinn was like a lion in the Serengeti spotting a weak gazelle; this timid, shy girl comes up to her and asks about joining the HOTs and Quinn sees a perfect opportunity to mess with someone. She just saw someone she wanted to humiliate and degrade for her own amusement. At the pool scene, she does make it clear she's aware Maya knows of the rumour, but she also addresses Mona too, so she knows both of them have heard the rumour.

screenshot0163.png screenshot0164.png screenshot0165.png screenshot0166.png screenshot0167.png screenshot0168.png

Then when Quinn asks if they're interested, Mona is very enthusiastic and agrees without a second thought whereas Maya actually asks the important question.

screenshot0175.png screenshot0176.png screenshot0177.png screenshot0178.png screenshot0179.png

From this, I can't see how Quinn would think or even somehow know why Maya wants to join the HOTs because she isn't exactly making it very clear that this is her motivation.

Also, maybe she's just got a thing against blondes because Ashley is just as timid and shy but Quinn doesn't seem to mess with her in the same way.


The Freakiest of Lemons
Oct 24, 2018
When the new update rolls out will the saves from walkthrough mod work or will it bug out?
It often depends at which point you're trying to pick up from, let's say that, in the new folder with no mod installed, you attempt to continue using your modded save that was before the Jill date, that could potentially bug out because you're now replaying scenes you already saw with the mod.

The mod is usually out within 24 hours of the game being leaked though so it's hardly a major concern.

Dr. Psychedelic

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Feb 9, 2020
When the new update rolls out will the saves from walkthrough mod work or will it bug out?
using modded saves in a clean game bugs it in most cases
don't worry the mod comes out quickly all you gotta do is
wait for the mod to come out after update rolls out.
Scrappy does a great job with his mod.
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The Freakiest of Lemons
Oct 24, 2018
That too. But sure as shit I don't trust it anymore. Better to do things right, with a PDF or chance it yourself.
As I've said before, I keep 2 copies of the folder, one clean and one modded, so I can play the game without knowing what answers give what results and only afterwards play with mods.

When a new version drops I delete the modded folder, apply the update to the clean one, copy it then apply the mod to the copy (and also unpack the files in the modded folder for easy access to the image files, gotta be able to add those lemon dicks :LOL:)
Nov 14, 2016
I was kinda hoping when MC received the letter about his mom, that his grandparents wanted to meet him and get to know him. I mean I know they hate MC's father for stealing their daughter away but MC is still their grandson, their daughter's son. Not sure how I would feel in Mc's position. On the one hand, you never met your mother so you grew up without knowing anything else but on the other hand you have her diary. You can get to know her, what she was like and know that you will never meet her. :cry:

Dr. Psychedelic

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Feb 9, 2020
I was kinda hoping when MC received the letter about his mom, that his grandparents wanted to meet him and get to know him. I mean I know they hate MC's father for stealing their daughter away but MC is still their grandson, their daughter's son. Not sure how I would feel in Mc's position. On the one hand, you never met your mother so you grew up with that experience already but on the other hand you have her diary. You can get to know her, what she was like and know that you will never meet her. :cry:
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Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
I was kinda hoping when MC received the letter about his mom, that his grandparents wanted to meet him and get to know him. I mean I know they hate MC's father for stealing their daughter away but MC is still your grandson, your daughter's son. Not sure how I would feel in Mc's position. On the one hand, you never met your mother so you grew up with that experience already but on the other hand you have her diary. You can get to know her, what she was like and know that you will never meet her. :cry:
his mother's letter was a great disappointment, I never believed it revealed who knows what noble parentage for MC, but he received a very exciting inheritance....

This is of course because Neil remembers nothing of his mother, and is unable to talk to him about her...
Nov 14, 2016
I think when MC said about him not liking his birthdays really hit it in the feels. How can you even celebrate your birthday if it's the day your mother died.


Feb 12, 2019
Tried this game for Sage, she's one of the most gorgeous redheads in a VN on this website, but I'm a little underwhelmed with her path so far. It looks like the game will soon punish us for entertaining several routes at the same time, but I don't want to drop a main girl :(
4.70 star(s) 1,632 Votes