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How would you describe the Mary Sue characters and how would you like them?

Jun 28, 2024 3:37 AM

Apr 2012
What character traits in your mind describe Mary Sue and OP characters in general? For example, lately I've seen an argument that Mary Sues literally have to be perfect, so invincible and beloved protagonists can't be called like that if they have some problems and mistakes. Have such protagonists ever influenced your experience with the show in general and your empathy for this leads in particular?

For example, I like Mahouka, although I'm fully aware that Tatsuya is a ridiculous level of Mary Sue. Even the editor of the original LN and former editor-in-chief of Dengeki Bunko actually admitted this.
RobertBobertJun 28, 2024 3:46 AM
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Jun 28, 2024 3:44 AM
Jun 28, 2024 3:54 AM

Jan 2021
RobertBobert said:
How do the traits in your mind describe Mary Sue and OP characters in general?

Don't have a personal definition, in general i dislike such personal definition when the internet offers official definition for such terms.

RobertBobert said:
Have such protagonists ever influenced your experience with the show in general and your empathy for this leads in particular?

Yes and no, it's possible to create OP and Mary Sue characters yet put them through intriguing situation and through difficulties. For instance Tatsuya you mentioned, he is definitely overpowered, but he is still interesting character that mainly come through his relationship with Miyuki.

Jun 28, 2024 4:31 AM

Sep 2018
Maomao is a Mary Sue: smart, knows everything and can even solve cases outside her field of expertise because apparently anything can be linked to medicine, secretly beautiful, the most handsome man in the whole country wants her because she's not like the other girls, her only flaw is her social awkwardness but somehow almost everyone loves her and the few who don't are depicted as bad guys.

On the other hand, Frieren is not a Mary Sue. She's just overpowered, since the only thing she's really good at is magic.
Jun 28, 2024 6:21 AM

Nov 2019
Reply to Nirinbo
Maomao is a Mary Sue: smart, knows everything and can even solve cases outside her field of expertise because apparently anything can be linked to medicine, secretly beautiful, the most handsome man in the whole country wants her because she's not like the other girls, her only flaw is her social awkwardness but somehow almost everyone loves her and the few who don't are depicted as bad guys.

On the other hand, Frieren is not a Mary Sue. She's just overpowered, since the only thing she's really good at is magic.
@Nirinbo drug addiction is not a flaw?

characterlessness after all those years of existence is a strong point?
Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone. Helpppppp!

Jun 28, 2024 7:10 AM

Sep 2018
SgtBateMan said:
@Nirinbo drug addiction is not a flaw?

No if it's just a cute little quirk with no consequences.
SgtBateMan said:
characterlessness after all those years of existence is a strong point?

Ok, you're biased. It's fine, everyone has their own biases. I might be biased against Maomao but I acknowledge that most of the traits that make her a Mary Sue have pretty solid explanations (like her parents).
Jun 28, 2024 7:11 AM

Jul 2015
Mary Sue is a character trait like any other and can be done correctly, like titular Medaka from Medaka Box or poorly, like Yellow Thing from Symphogear.
This trope has bad reputation mostly because of westerners took to much liberty with it, due to belief that presenting women as flawed being in any context is a cardinal sin.

Jun 28, 2024 7:19 AM

Feb 2011
Someone around here (@Zefyris) called Shizuna a Mary Sue, so I suppose I quite like them...

On a more serious note, I have to agree with points made by @Nirinbo and @Piromysl - Maomao indeed felt like one, but it wasn't detrimental to the story in any way. Also, a pleasure seeing some Medaka appreciation for once.
Jun 28, 2024 8:59 AM

Apr 2012
Reply to Nirinbo
Maomao is a Mary Sue: smart, knows everything and can even solve cases outside her field of expertise because apparently anything can be linked to medicine, secretly beautiful, the most handsome man in the whole country wants her because she's not like the other girls, her only flaw is her social awkwardness but somehow almost everyone loves her and the few who don't are depicted as bad guys.

On the other hand, Frieren is not a Mary Sue. She's just overpowered, since the only thing she's really good at is magic.
@Nirinbo So, you don't like Maomao, if I understand correctly? Or is she like Tatsuya Shiba, a Mary Sue who is surprisingly fun to watch?
Jun 28, 2024 9:24 AM

Oct 2013
"A type of female character who is depicted as unrealistically lacking in flaws or weaknesses." Pretty cut and dry, and yet somehow just another term people misuse when they don't like something. In this case, a female character. I've seen people nitpick things calling a character a "Mary Sue" while ignoring everything they suck ass at. Again, just because they hate the character.
Jun 28, 2024 9:27 AM

Apr 2012
Reply to FanofAction
"A type of female character who is depicted as unrealistically lacking in flaws or weaknesses." Pretty cut and dry, and yet somehow just another term people misuse when they don't like something. In this case, a female character. I've seen people nitpick things calling a character a "Mary Sue" while ignoring everything they suck ass at. Again, just because they hate the character.
@FanofAction So, if I understand correctly, you reject calling Mary Sues characters who are clearly perfect and invincible, but still have some problems?
Jun 28, 2024 9:45 AM

Oct 2013
Reply to RobertBobert
@FanofAction So, if I understand correctly, you reject calling Mary Sues characters who are clearly perfect and invincible, but still have some problems?
@RobertBobert Well yeah. Because if they have any flaws or problems, then by definition, they aren't perfect. Unless my understanding of the word "perfect" is off. I suppose it could depend how big those issues are. Say they're a bit of a picky eater or something insignificant like that. That kinda teeters the line a bit, but not that much. If they had a lot of little flaws though, that'd be something I wouldn't consider a Mary Sue personally. Armor isn't as effective when there's clear weak points in it, even if those points are small.

Not really what I meant when I said I've seen people misuse it though. I mean when they complain about how flawless a character is when they're very clearly struggling in big key moments. You know, in scenarios where a character written to be basically perfect would get through with very little effort. But no, she can do flips good or some shit, so that doesn't matter. Bit of an exaggeration, but still.
Jun 28, 2024 9:54 AM

Apr 2012
Reply to FanofAction
@RobertBobert Well yeah. Because if they have any flaws or problems, then by definition, they aren't perfect. Unless my understanding of the word "perfect" is off. I suppose it could depend how big those issues are. Say they're a bit of a picky eater or something insignificant like that. That kinda teeters the line a bit, but not that much. If they had a lot of little flaws though, that'd be something I wouldn't consider a Mary Sue personally. Armor isn't as effective when there's clear weak points in it, even if those points are small.

Not really what I meant when I said I've seen people misuse it though. I mean when they complain about how flawless a character is when they're very clearly struggling in big key moments. You know, in scenarios where a character written to be basically perfect would get through with very little effort. But no, she can do flips good or some shit, so that doesn't matter. Bit of an exaggeration, but still.
@FanofAction Then how would you describe those type of "literally me" characters who are essentially meant to be wish fulfillment and power fantasy for the audience or the author? That is, characters who are invincible in battle, the most intelligent or brilliant in their field of activity, etc., but at the same time have some kind of social and everyday problems to be a very popular self-insert among the audience? For example, roughly speaking, Hachiman from Oregairu and Tomoko from WataMote, who are objective losers, but at the same time gradually fulfill edgy teen's desire to be recognized by normies?
Jun 28, 2024 10:05 AM

Sep 2018
Reply to RobertBobert
@Nirinbo So, you don't like Maomao, if I understand correctly? Or is she like Tatsuya Shiba, a Mary Sue who is surprisingly fun to watch?
@RobertBobert I don't think I dislike her, but I would like her more if she had some actual flaws and not some "fake flaws". Maybe those "fake flaws" are exactly the issue: I might be fine with more blatant Mary Sues/Gary Stus if you don't try to sell them to me as something they aren't.
Jun 28, 2024 10:08 AM

Oct 2013
Reply to RobertBobert
@FanofAction Then how would you describe those type of "literally me" characters who are essentially meant to be wish fulfillment and power fantasy for the audience or the author? That is, characters who are invincible in battle, the most intelligent or brilliant in their field of activity, etc., but at the same time have some kind of social and everyday problems to be a very popular self-insert among the audience? For example, roughly speaking, Hachiman from Oregairu and Tomoko from WataMote, who are objective losers, but at the same time gradually fulfill edgy teen's desire to be recognized by normies?
@RobertBobert Generally speaking, I would just call any character who was as you said, "invincible in battle" or "the most intelligent or brilliant" simply overpowered. I guess I would translate that to characters who are exceptionally good in other fields as well. To me that's what an op character is; a character that's great in one or a few areas, but can still be greatly lacking in others. So not quite mary sue level. I don't know much about Hachiman or Tomoko, but if they fit the whole "exceeding at in one area, but sucking an another" thing, then that's where I sit on characters like that.
Jun 28, 2024 10:10 AM

Apr 2012
Reply to Nirinbo
@RobertBobert I don't think I dislike her, but I would like her more if she had some actual flaws and not some "fake flaws". Maybe those "fake flaws" are exactly the issue: I might be fine with more blatant Mary Sues/Gary Stus if you don't try to sell them to me as something they aren't.
@Nirinbo So you see her as a good character who could have been much better if she was more realistic instead of fulfilling the fantasy of a nerd girl who becomes the center of attention of powerful and popular people because of her skills?
Jun 28, 2024 10:16 AM

Apr 2012
Reply to FanofAction
@RobertBobert Generally speaking, I would just call any character who was as you said, "invincible in battle" or "the most intelligent or brilliant" simply overpowered. I guess I would translate that to characters who are exceptionally good in other fields as well. To me that's what an op character is; a character that's great in one or a few areas, but can still be greatly lacking in others. So not quite mary sue level. I don't know much about Hachiman or Tomoko, but if they fit the whole "exceeding at in one area, but sucking an another" thing, then that's where I sit on characters like that.
@FanofAction So, in your mind, OP is a character who is overly powerful in his area, but otherwise can still be a realistic person with his own problems? Well, Hachiman and Tomoko is essentially a fantasy about how edgy teens become the popular center of attention for socially successful, beautiful people because they are impressed by their "rich inner world." Fulfillment of dream about how you remain an edgelord, while normies begin to appreciate and respect you instead of finding your love for extreme music or horror films creepy.

Jun 28, 2024 10:17 AM

Sep 2018
Reply to RobertBobert
@Nirinbo So you see her as a good character who could have been much better if she was more realistic instead of fulfilling the fantasy of a nerd girl who becomes the center of attention of powerful and popular people because of her skills?
@RobertBobert Yes, that's it. Maybe it's my fault for having the wrong expectations: I really liked the first half of her anime, then there were a few episodes about "cases of the week quickly solved in 5 minutes" and the power fantasy aspect became more evident to me.
Jun 28, 2024 10:21 AM

Apr 2012
Reply to Nirinbo
@RobertBobert Yes, that's it. Maybe it's my fault for having the wrong expectations: I really liked the first half of her anime, then there were a few episodes about "cases of the week quickly solved in 5 minutes" and the power fantasy aspect became more evident to me.
@Nirinbo I see. For me, Maomao is one of those characters that I find interesting and likeable, but who also kind of turns me off because I can't understand their way of thinking. I am very sensitive to mutual understanding when communicating with people, so when I don’t understand how a person’s thinking works, I begin to feel discomfort. Probably because I don’t know what to expect and how to find a common language with such people.
Jun 28, 2024 6:03 PM

Jul 2021
Maomao is a Mary Sue? I guess she is a little bit overpowered, but the character didn't come across as invincible or wish fulfillment-y at all.

I had issues with how she solved mysteries, but I was blaming the writer more than the character itself; it didn't feel like Maomao was cheating exactly, but more like the case itself was put together carelessly.

She has no real power in the palace, which I really liked. It felt like she was in very real danger almost all the time. She has to use all of her wits and make some difficult choices to stay out of the spotlight and protect herself above all else. Sure, Jinshi is head-over-heels for her, but he can't be there for her 24/7, and they can't really make their "relationship" public for a ton of reasons. She has other "allies" who like her, but in the end she will always be a servant girl who happens to be useful.

Which also demonstrates how she has no physical strength at all, except her "affinity" with poison.

Her "social awkwardness" also seems to come from a genuine lack of empathy, which I feel is something of a character flaw (granted, the show didn't push that angle very hard).

She solves mysteries because she's asked/ordered to, and she usually does only the bare minimum so that others can take care of things afterwards. Even when she's acting on her own, she does it to protect herself or avoid an even bigger headache.

So I really don't think she counts as a Mary Sue. If she is, then I guess that makes her the "good kind."
Jun 28, 2024 6:13 PM
Oct 2019
The way I see it, a Mary Sue is a character who's written to be perfect, and have little to no flaws. Not necessarily overpowered and unbeatable, or with bland personality, just lacking in flaws or characteristics that would generally be considered bad.

So, for example, I think Satoru Gojo from Jujutsu Kaisen technically counts as a Mary Sue. Not only is he "the strongest", but for most of the story (pretty much everything outside of the Hidden Inventory arc), he's portrayed as having no flaws at all, and being a perfect moral character.

I don't think that's inherently a bad thing though. As long as a character isn't bland and uninteresting, very few people will care if they're a Mary Sue.

Though, I know people generally use the term "Mary Sue" exclusively for female characters, using "Gary Stu/Marty Stu" as the "male equivalent" of the term, but if it's just the exact same thing, but for the opposite gender, you might as well just remove gender from the equation altogether and use the original term as a gender-neutral term. It's simpler that way.
ShatteredSansJun 28, 2024 6:18 PM
Jun 28, 2024 6:53 PM

Sep 2017
I do not like the term Gary Stu/Mary Sue since that word gets abused a lot, but Sinbad (Magi), Tatsuya Shiba, and Lacus Clyne are genuine examples of such. While I don’t mind Tatsuya or Lacus, I find Sinbad to be insufferably abhorrent.
Jun 28, 2024 7:52 PM
Dec 2022
I feel like in order for a character to be described as a Mary Sue/Gary Stu, the story/plot bends favoritism in favor of a specific character so much that it breaks believability (Such as consequences that would usually punish most characters if put in the same situation as our presumed Mary/Gary while said Mary/Gary gets away scot free). Basically, bad writing is the issue here.

Self Inserts/Escapist Characters are ok because they are there to provide a power fantasy and are upfront about it. Heck even with the abundance of overpowered Isekai protags, I wouldn't consider most of them as one since they are not intended to be taken seriously and are made for comfort. However, when the story itself is supposed to be taken seriously, then that itself starts to become a problem.

In short, Mary Sue/Gary Stu is fundamentally more of a symptom of poor story writing that effectively harms a character's development, writing, or whatever, while self inserts/escapist characters are intended to be power fantasy made for the enjoyment of the audience.

Whole thing basically gave me a goofy ahh brain aneurysm just trying to put in what a Mary Sue/Gary Stu is.
Jun 28, 2024 9:33 PM

Sep 2017
Reply to Shizuna
Someone around here (@Zefyris) called Shizuna a Mary Sue, so I suppose I quite like them...

On a more serious note, I have to agree with points made by @Nirinbo and @Piromysl - Maomao indeed felt like one, but it wasn't detrimental to the story in any way. Also, a pleasure seeing some Medaka appreciation for once.
@Shizuna I finished Kuro no Kiseki 1 half an hour ago, and I don’t think Shizuna is a Mary Sue, but she really needs more screentime and all. The cast is overall likeable at least imo. Hopefully, she’s more relevant in future Kiseki games, knowing that the story is now focused on the eastern side of Zemuria.
Jun 28, 2024 11:47 PM

Feb 2011
@LeonhartAugust She has more screentime in the second game, so look forward to it.
Jun 29, 2024 4:54 AM

Jul 2021
Reply to RobertBobert
@FanofAction Then how would you describe those type of "literally me" characters who are essentially meant to be wish fulfillment and power fantasy for the audience or the author? That is, characters who are invincible in battle, the most intelligent or brilliant in their field of activity, etc., but at the same time have some kind of social and everyday problems to be a very popular self-insert among the audience? For example, roughly speaking, Hachiman from Oregairu and Tomoko from WataMote, who are objective losers, but at the same time gradually fulfill edgy teen's desire to be recognized by normies?
@RobertBobert The original Mary Sue was a Star Trek fanfic self insert character, so that's basically the point of the trope.
Cucumber ice cream is the best!
Jun 29, 2024 6:28 AM

Jul 2021
Reply to Nirinbo
Maomao is a Mary Sue: smart, knows everything and can even solve cases outside her field of expertise because apparently anything can be linked to medicine, secretly beautiful, the most handsome man in the whole country wants her because she's not like the other girls, her only flaw is her social awkwardness but somehow almost everyone loves her and the few who don't are depicted as bad guys.

On the other hand, Frieren is not a Mary Sue. She's just overpowered, since the only thing she's really good at is magic.
@Nirinbo that secret beauty thing is so random... All she had put on was some fake freckles. The excessive make up literally hides way more of her features than her default outlook.
Cucumber ice cream is the best!
Jun 29, 2024 7:33 AM

Sep 2018
Reply to JaniSIr
@Nirinbo that secret beauty thing is so random... All she had put on was some fake freckles. The excessive make up literally hides way more of her features than her default outlook.
@JaniSIr freckles Maomao is a cute.
Jun 29, 2024 7:41 AM

Sep 2018
Some Mary Sues are fine like Sakura from cardcaptor. My only problem with Mary Sue type is when they write them as snobs like Rey Skywalker who somehow was a superior engineer to someone with way more experience. Erza Scarlet is mary sue done right also. A good Mary Sue needs character motivation and goals.
Jun 29, 2024 7:46 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Depends on the character and their personality, but they are usually a bit boring simply because they are often too perfect and good at everything.

I guess Aida Mana from Doki Doki! Pretty Cure is my favorite, even though a lot of Pretty Cure fans dislike her.

SerafosJun 29, 2024 11:20 AM
Jun 29, 2024 10:14 AM

Oct 2017
I feel the term just has 0 meaning as it has essentially been used by hateful individuals to LITERALLY ANY FEMALE PROTAGONIST and they do not give male protagonists the same level of scrutiny
This post is brought to you by your local transfem gamer goblin. Will not tolerate bigotry and will fight against "anti-woke" sentiment to make the anime community a safer place.
Jun 29, 2024 11:17 AM

Apr 2012
Reply to LSSJ_Gaming
I feel the term just has 0 meaning as it has essentially been used by hateful individuals to LITERALLY ANY FEMALE PROTAGONIST and they do not give male protagonists the same level of scrutiny
@LSSJ_Gaming Really? I don't remember Kirito, Tatsuya Shiba and Lelouch being female protagonists.
Jun 29, 2024 11:19 AM

Oct 2017
Reply to RobertBobert
@LSSJ_Gaming Really? I don't remember Kirito, Tatsuya Shiba and Lelouch being female protagonists.

I'm talking wider usage not just Japanese anime.
This post is brought to you by your local transfem gamer goblin. Will not tolerate bigotry and will fight against "anti-woke" sentiment to make the anime community a safer place.
Jun 29, 2024 11:23 AM

Apr 2012
Reply to LSSJ_Gaming

I'm talking wider usage not just Japanese anime.
@LSSJ_Gaming Well, that doesn't change the point. The biggest Mary Sues are male protagonists and are the embodiment of the fantasies of male audiences. The idea that the term Mary Sue was coined by female character haters is mostly promoted as a lazy defense of characters like Rey. Moreover, a popular female character will most likely avoid such accusations, since simps lower the standards for female characters.
Jun 29, 2024 11:29 AM

Oct 2017
Reply to RobertBobert
@LSSJ_Gaming Well, that doesn't change the point. The biggest Mary Sues are male protagonists and are the embodiment of the fantasies of male audiences. The idea that the term Mary Sue was coined by female character haters is mostly promoted as a lazy defense of characters like Rey. Moreover, a popular female character will most likely avoid such accusations, since simps lower the standards for female characters.

The issue is that the term is commonly used by sexists to put down literally any female character even if male characters can get away with the same thing. Instead of actually making any criticisms or trying to go into what they don't like about a character, they just use a term to say "this character bad" and obfuscate why they think that way. Sure some male characters get called out for things, but most don't because when a male character is super powerful and everyone likes they generally see it as "wish fulfillment", but suddenly when a female character is the exact same thing she is "woke Mary Sue". It's just thinly veiled sexism 99% of the time. The term was originally meant to mock certain tropes in fanfic, but has slowly been claimed by outrage bait Youtubers and hateful individuals to put down any woman in fiction while 9 times out of 10 giving male characters with similar traits 0 scrutiny whatsoever
This post is brought to you by your local transfem gamer goblin. Will not tolerate bigotry and will fight against "anti-woke" sentiment to make the anime community a safer place.
Jun 29, 2024 11:33 AM

Apr 2012
Reply to LSSJ_Gaming

The issue is that the term is commonly used by sexists to put down literally any female character even if male characters can get away with the same thing. Instead of actually making any criticisms or trying to go into what they don't like about a character, they just use a term to say "this character bad" and obfuscate why they think that way. Sure some male characters get called out for things, but most don't because when a male character is super powerful and everyone likes they generally see it as "wish fulfillment", but suddenly when a female character is the exact same thing she is "woke Mary Sue". It's just thinly veiled sexism 99% of the time. The term was originally meant to mock certain tropes in fanfic, but has slowly been claimed by outrage bait Youtubers and hateful individuals to put down any woman in fiction while 9 times out of 10 giving male characters with similar traits 0 scrutiny whatsoever
@LSSJ_Gaming OK good. Give me at least three female characters who are unfairly called by such a term. I have already given you three big cases with male characters, but you continue to make general statements without any examples.
Jun 29, 2024 12:23 PM

Oct 2017
Reply to RobertBobert
@LSSJ_Gaming OK good. Give me at least three female characters who are unfairly called by such a term. I have already given you three big cases with male characters, but you continue to make general statements without any examples.
While not anime examples, I commonly have heard people unfairly throw around accusations of calling She-Hulk, Galadriel, and Carol Danvers that term. These characters aren't the "Flawless" characters everyone makes them out to be and have multiple iterations in their source materials that people just ignore and cherry pick so they can have an easy excuse to hate on female characters. Basic things such as having supportive friends, being strong, having some unique skillsets, or having self-confidence are used against these characters to call them "Mary-Sues", when male characters who have the same things don't. By that same logic why aren't characters like Luke Skywalker, Superman, Agent 47, Iron Man, Yugi Muto, Josuke Higashikata, Goku, and so many other given the same level of scruitny. There is 100% a bias against women when terms like this are applied as it seems when a woman shows these traits that would be seen as "wish fulfillment" with male characters, they get hated on for being too perfect, but if they show any sort of flaw, they also get hated on for being "unlikable" and "annoying". There's very little in between in online discourse these days and its fucking annoying as a woman to see.
This post is brought to you by your local transfem gamer goblin. Will not tolerate bigotry and will fight against "anti-woke" sentiment to make the anime community a safer place.
Jun 29, 2024 12:27 PM

Apr 2012
Reply to LSSJ_Gaming
While not anime examples, I commonly have heard people unfairly throw around accusations of calling She-Hulk, Galadriel, and Carol Danvers that term. These characters aren't the "Flawless" characters everyone makes them out to be and have multiple iterations in their source materials that people just ignore and cherry pick so they can have an easy excuse to hate on female characters. Basic things such as having supportive friends, being strong, having some unique skillsets, or having self-confidence are used against these characters to call them "Mary-Sues", when male characters who have the same things don't. By that same logic why aren't characters like Luke Skywalker, Superman, Agent 47, Iron Man, Yugi Muto, Josuke Higashikata, Goku, and so many other given the same level of scruitny. There is 100% a bias against women when terms like this are applied as it seems when a woman shows these traits that would be seen as "wish fulfillment" with male characters, they get hated on for being too perfect, but if they show any sort of flaw, they also get hated on for being "unlikable" and "annoying". There's very little in between in online discourse these days and its fucking annoying as a woman to see.
@LSSJ_Gaming Um, but all these three characters are outright Mary Sue self-inserts, which has been argued in detail more than once. She-Hulk and Ms Marvel in the MCU version is literally an attempt to create the ideal female superheroes who would dominate the background of any male ones and be the ideal female self-insert. Galadriel from the Rings of Power is literally a feminist power fantasy self insert. Which, in fact, no one seemed to be trying to hide. Trying to compare them to the OP, but at the same time well written male characters seems quite manipulative, especially in the context of the fact that, according to your statement, ALL the female characters are accused of this, but none of the male ones. Or do you think OP = Mary Sue? Could you explain why the male characters you mentioned are Mary Sues? Just because they're OP?
Jun 29, 2024 1:02 PM

Oct 2017
Reply to RobertBobert
@LSSJ_Gaming Um, but all these three characters are outright Mary Sue self-inserts, which has been argued in detail more than once. She-Hulk and Ms Marvel in the MCU version is literally an attempt to create the ideal female superheroes who would dominate the background of any male ones and be the ideal female self-insert. Galadriel from the Rings of Power is literally a feminist power fantasy self insert. Which, in fact, no one seemed to be trying to hide. Trying to compare them to the OP, but at the same time well written male characters seems quite manipulative, especially in the context of the fact that, according to your statement, ALL the female characters are accused of this, but none of the male ones. Or do you think OP = Mary Sue? Could you explain why the male characters you mentioned are Mary Sues? Just because they're OP?

You really aren't arguing in good faith and are just giving into culture war bs. I am not even gonna continue because i have no energy left. Watch Pillar of Garbage's She-Hulk video or something about the criticism to the show i just dont got time for this I got more important shit to deal with than arguing with a random guy on the internet for hours on end
This post is brought to you by your local transfem gamer goblin. Will not tolerate bigotry and will fight against "anti-woke" sentiment to make the anime community a safer place.
Jun 29, 2024 1:09 PM

Apr 2012
Reply to LSSJ_Gaming

You really aren't arguing in good faith and are just giving into culture war bs. I am not even gonna continue because i have no energy left. Watch Pillar of Garbage's She-Hulk video or something about the criticism to the show i just dont got time for this I got more important shit to deal with than arguing with a random guy on the internet for hours on end
@LSSJ_Gaming I just don't want to buy the claim that people hate female characters and consider them all Mary Sues just because a number of really poorly written female characters are widely criticized. I asked you to argue which critical arguments you consider unfair, and also to explain why you consider the male characters you mentioned to be Mary Sues. But you chose to continue making generalized statements and accusations. In turn, I have named you a number of well-known male Mary Sues and if you ask, I can easily explain it.

And no, you must give a reasoned explanation for why you think criticism of a character is unfair and motivated by prejudice. Don't just provide a critical video and expect me to accept it as such without question.
Jun 29, 2024 1:16 PM

Oct 2017
Reply to RobertBobert
@LSSJ_Gaming I just don't want to buy the claim that people hate female characters and consider them all Mary Sues just because a number of really poorly written female characters are widely criticized. I asked you to argue which critical arguments you consider unfair, and also to explain why you consider the male characters you mentioned to be Mary Sues. But you chose to continue making generalized statements and accusations. In turn, I have named you a number of well-known male Mary Sues and if you ask, I can easily explain it.

And no, you must give a reasoned explanation for why you think criticism of a character is unfair and motivated by prejudice. Don't just provide a critical video and expect me to accept it as such without question.

The issue is that people misconstrue these media and say they are poorly written, either because they aren't paying attention or just hate women. You are actively using sexist arguments in your own comment by saying that adding the female superheroes into the MCU is trying to "dominate the male ones" when it's like if you actually watched the video about She-Hulk that argument is debunked. Hiding behind a term like "Mary Sue" just obfuscates misogynistic beleifs as you people let male characters do this stuff, but suddenly when a woman does it it's a problem. Maybe if you actually listened to what women had to say about this shit you'd understand
This post is brought to you by your local transfem gamer goblin. Will not tolerate bigotry and will fight against "anti-woke" sentiment to make the anime community a safer place.
Jun 29, 2024 1:16 PM

Oct 2017
Reply to RobertBobert
@LSSJ_Gaming I just don't want to buy the claim that people hate female characters and consider them all Mary Sues just because a number of really poorly written female characters are widely criticized. I asked you to argue which critical arguments you consider unfair, and also to explain why you consider the male characters you mentioned to be Mary Sues. But you chose to continue making generalized statements and accusations. In turn, I have named you a number of well-known male Mary Sues and if you ask, I can easily explain it.

And no, you must give a reasoned explanation for why you think criticism of a character is unfair and motivated by prejudice. Don't just provide a critical video and expect me to accept it as such without question.

The issue is that people misconstrue these media and say they are poorly written, either because they aren't paying attention or just hate women. You are actively using sexist arguments in your own comment by saying that adding the female superheroes into the MCU is trying to "dominate the male ones" when it's like if you actually watched the video about She-Hulk that argument is debunked. Hiding behind a term like "Mary Sue" just obfuscates misogynistic beleifs as you people let male characters do this stuff, but suddenly when a woman does it it's a problem. Maybe if you actually listened to what women had to say about this shit you'd understand
This post is brought to you by your local transfem gamer goblin. Will not tolerate bigotry and will fight against "anti-woke" sentiment to make the anime community a safer place.
Jun 29, 2024 1:27 PM

Apr 2012
Reply to LSSJ_Gaming

The issue is that people misconstrue these media and say they are poorly written, either because they aren't paying attention or just hate women. You are actively using sexist arguments in your own comment by saying that adding the female superheroes into the MCU is trying to "dominate the male ones" when it's like if you actually watched the video about She-Hulk that argument is debunked. Hiding behind a term like "Mary Sue" just obfuscates misogynistic beleifs as you people let male characters do this stuff, but suddenly when a woman does it it's a problem. Maybe if you actually listened to what women had to say about this shit you'd understand
@LSSJ_Gaming I don't see any refutations. You just expect me to accept his criticisms as false, refuted and motivated by prejudice without question just because you said so. Sorry, but I do not consider speculation about motives and loud accusations as arguments if they are not accompanied by any argument other than unsubstantiated accusations and generalizations. If you think these characters aren't poorly written, then make an argument to support that. Not just by accusing those who think they are poorly written of sexism.
Jun 29, 2024 2:32 PM

Dec 2021
Would Chisato from Lycoris Recoil be classed as a Mary Sue? Unlike 99% of people on MAL, I hate Chisato lol, she is too perfect and overpowered, she almost feels AI generated xD
Jun 29, 2024 2:35 PM

Apr 2012
Reply to SaiteiDaOrette
Would Chisato from Lycoris Recoil be classed as a Mary Sue? Unlike 99% of people on MAL, I hate Chisato lol, she is too perfect and overpowered, she almost feels AI generated xD
@SaiteiDaOrette I wouldn't call her a Mary Sue. Starting with the fact that she is not a protagonist or self insert and ending with the fact that she is more or less a well written tragic hero. On the contrary, she is contrasted with the protagonist Takina, who is depicted as an “ordinary performer.”
Jun 29, 2024 2:42 PM

Dec 2021
Reply to RobertBobert
@SaiteiDaOrette I wouldn't call her a Mary Sue. Starting with the fact that she is not a protagonist or self insert and ending with the fact that she is more or less a well written tragic hero. On the contrary, she is contrasted with the protagonist Takina, who is depicted as an “ordinary performer.”
RobertBobert said:
she is more or less a well written tragic hero

Well written? There are cringe Wattpad fanfics written by dyslexic 12 year olds that have better written characters than Chisato xD
Jun 29, 2024 2:48 PM

Apr 2012
Reply to SaiteiDaOrette
RobertBobert said:
she is more or less a well written tragic hero

Well written? There are cringe Wattpad fanfics written by dyslexic 12 year olds that have better written characters than Chisato xD
@SaiteiDaOrette Bias is not an argument, sorry.
Jun 29, 2024 3:49 PM

Jul 2012
Man, all this time I thought a Mary Sue was someone that keeps getting themselves in a 'Damsel in distress' type of situation. I was waaay off.

Would Yuuichirou Hyakuya from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign, be close to a Mary Sue? I actually dropped the show because he always seemed to:
luckyruneJun 29, 2024 3:52 PM
Jun 29, 2024 5:19 PM

Jul 2021
Reply to LSSJ_Gaming

I'm talking wider usage not just Japanese anime.
@LSSJ_Gaming If you include western shows, then you have to consider the influence of feminism, where they just threw in a "strong female character" as the protagonist for brownie points, who is generally just really obnoxious and unlikeable, and to make her look good all male characters are either incompetent, evil, or both.
Cucumber ice cream is the best!
Jun 29, 2024 6:01 PM

Oct 2019
Reply to SgtBateMan
@Nirinbo drug addiction is not a flaw?

characterlessness after all those years of existence is a strong point?
@SgtBateMan Unless she faces consequences..... no.

If anything the show shows it like she is so perfect she defeated the concept of poison and now it has no affect on her.

This isn't a bad thing though, I love her, she's one of my favourite characters in anime.
APolygons2Jun 29, 2024 6:15 PM
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