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Reviews for "Midnight-Strike"


it did not run on my computer. I tried multiple times. It started me on lv. -2 and all of the trackers for scores and everything were filled with random numbers... There was no soldier or level. I'm not sure why it did this, but i couldn't fix it no matter what i did. I gave it ten humor because i thought it was funny how it said on the front page that it was great run and gun fun that was Impressively coded and then when i try it, it doesn't work. Anyway, It'd be cool if you did more testing so it doesn't do this unless my computer is at fault. Then i don't really care because it'd my comp that sucks.

Very well done

Some people have said the game is a little slow but I think the pace is absolutely perfect. It makes it different from the likes of Alien Hominid and focuses the game more on thinking about what to do next, how to defeat the next enemy. I did find it a little easy but I only played on "Normal" - next time I'll try hard.

The graphics were also very good and again, unique. I didn't spot any bugs or really any bit that didn't seem well polished.

All in all a very good game.

Yeah, it's glitched.

Same problem as another guy listed...about 10 posts before mine.

Woo I'm impressed

This is a great way to play Metal Slug for free.

Pretty good game!

While not the best I've played here, this was actually a pretty addicting and fun game to play and also helps kill some time if you're bored. I liked the layout for all the levels. They were quite challenging (especially levels 17 & 20, which were probably the hardest for me to get through) and the selection of weapons was nice too! Now, after playing the game for quite a long time, I have finally beaten it on my first time through and would have to say that this is definately worthy of the games section on Newgrounds! I only wish there could've been more bosses to fight (aside from the gigantic hovering robot ones) but otherwise, I pretty much liked this game and would probably play the sequel "Midnight Strike" when it comes out! :)