why i can't completed byron quest? is that a bug?
If you check Instagram at Lisa's laptop in her room is the # of followers displaying over 500 mate?
No mate, not yet. I'm gonna try shifting the entire event to a different map because the only thing that could cause this is a collision with another event on Lisa's House 2F and that map in particular is inundated with dozens of events. Could you send me over your save so I can test it once I move everything over?
Sorry about this mate, I wouldn't have publicly posted the game had I thought there was anything this bad left in there x
played some time ago, is there more content/story after Lisa visits some resort? i think she is there with friend and team of swimmers
Yeah bud there's probably 4-5x more content after the Swim Trip ^_^
cant work at albiss no more, and i did not take a picture for instagram, i feel soft lock any tips ?
You should be able to repeat old Marcus events that'll allow for the Albiss photo to be taken afterward ^_^ (if not then come back to me because that's not working as intended at all x)
Hey folks, I'm not sure I've I did something wrong or am missing something but I'm running into a hitch with Paul. When Sharon picks up Lisa after the movie it just kind of skips forward in time to Paul's bedroom. Looking at the recollection room, there's a longer car even and then something in a bathroom. What am I missing to trigger that and/or prevent the jump to the bedroom and thus morning?
Apologies if the answer is somewhere in the thread. If so, I am not finding the correct keywords to search for to find it.
Nope and the second I read this I knew exactly what I'd done, I left a little skip I was using for debugging in the actual event. So professional ^_^ I'm sorry about that mate, I will have a patch up today fixing all of this I promise <3
The last couple of updates I've gotten nowhere fast as all my quests show 'end of content for ___'. Is the new content tied closely to certain routes? Currently, I get no message from Byron (or anyone), can't work, can't do anything new other than repeat scenes. I have a sneaky suspicion I am going to have to start over or at least go back a significant ways into the story and try again.
This update was basically just a large Byron scene, the final E2 council quest and the character compendium. Don't start a new game or anything mate, if you wanna pop your save over I'll have a look. Nothing's so broken that we can't fix it
So, I recently tried this out, and I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before, but you can close the buggy menu by pressing insert 3 or 4 times. It'll bring up the quit menu, but just keep pressing insert and the menu will close.
I'm too lazy to search for a fix, so if anyone else wants to use the buggy menu, then just know you CAN leave it by using insert.
That's an odd interaction that even I didn't know ^_^
The issue I have with the mouse controlling it is that I have no idea how to script the command in js and I couldn't ever find anything related on the RPGM forums about it so it sorta uses Esc and Esc alone (yes I'm not very good at this :d)
OK so i found a save i had and with Paul blackmail OFF the scene is still broken but in a different way. At the same transition to the upstairs portion of the scene the game completely derails and starts playing a random Viv scene. No images tho, just text over black screen.
So yeah, 2.70b is still completely broken.
That one is a particularly bad bug, I'm really sorry it's happening to so many of you. I will have a fix within the next couple of hours xo
Why I cant even leave school after I did everything correctly with Vamdalism quest
If it's on day 1 of the event then it's probably the Gym that's missing mate
Damn ! I've been ignoring this game because of the engine but I saw some sample scenes / vids coincidentally in a certain website and never thought that I would find an interesting game here though its RPGM . I guess its like Anna Exciting Affection older versions
Glad we pulled you in mate! ^_^
Sorry, I was able to see it after completing the " Council Vandal " mision, but not before it.
It's only available in the afternoon but I'm removing that constraint in the patch I'm on atm bud x
Kinda surprised there wasn't any choice before Byron scene since every major scene (Consensual) before had one, any reason for it?
I considered it but I figured because to see the scene the player already has to have opted into Byron's Route that I'd insert a somewhat spontaneous one - I'm always doing my best to consider how it feels to play the game from start to finish and little (or in this case large) pop up scenes I think sometimes feel good.
I probably should've added some save points in it though given it's length and a choice before the scene can certainly be added too