
Apr 26, 2019
This error is caused by the mod. If you replace the files from the mod with the original ones and then end the cam watching everything is fine. Then you can add the mod files back in and the game and mod work fine for the rest of the update.
Thanks, that seemed to help :)


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
To be fair despite what I said about the characters in this game I think the Dev had an Idea of how they want'd this game to be.
But ithey didn't expect the backlash his character Deb got they possibly thought that she would be seen as playfully anoying to the MC as some Brother Sister Siblings are (not necessarily the ones in an Incestuois relationship like these two) I for one have a love hate relationship with my sister we really love to hate each other. We name call we fight but when push comes to shove nobody messes with one without having to deal with the other.
I'd like to think thats most family's but the Dev faild to make Deb's and MC relationship friendly infighting instead it came across as more aggressively mean verging on sadisticaly vindictive if anything.
Since then I think the Dev has been on the back foot trying to find a way to change things to make Debs less disliked.
And the MC seem less of a Sub/verbal punching bag.
I wouldn't say they failed totally to make Deb less unlikable especially when you concider the new hairstyle or the MC less of a punching bag but they didn't suceed either however what they did do was introduce a bigger cunt to hate.
along with her hypocrtical husband. and the MC's back to being a lapdog again.
I honestly get what the Dev was trying to acheive but they odviously didn't consider all the angles the Excuse could be Interpreted as. for instance Momys escuse as what Daddy did to help his son including resigning from the forcess could be seen as a family tryng to cover its own ass from a possible public scandle. Or mom giving her sons future wife the picture then ploting with the now daughter inlaw as a mom trying to ruin her sons marriage while useing her sons feeling for his sister to make it easyer for her to bed him.
and incase I didn't mention it Debs new hair do dosn't help.

Synical of me I know but life's a bitch then you die.
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Engaged Member
Jan 21, 2020
It was the most interesting story before the latest update. But not antymore. Lack of Choices killed the story.
Now for me, games with interesting story are motherless & dark magic
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Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
I wouldn't say they failed totally to make Deb less unlikable especially when you concider the new hairstyle
The new hairstyle is exactly the thing that made her unlikeable for me.

She was my fave character, I loved the hot tomboy thing she had going on and I love women with short hair, might be a lesbian thing I hear we have that....


The change in hairstyle completely killed her character for me, no interest in her anymore. Hate it when devs make major changes to characters once people have started getting attached.

That and he turned her from a confident woman that knew what she wanted to a meek little tart that sits in the corner with her head bowed.

He didn't just ruin her character for me he completely butchered it and took a massive shit on the remains.

She was the one keeping me playing, without her there is only Milly left and i'm not as big on her as I was on Deb.
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Jun 17, 2017
If I was the MC I'd buy a plane ticket, inform everyone this is for their own good because they need to learn to communicate, tell them I'll see them in 10 years then never show up again. Perhaps find a group of people who actually like/love me and aren't so self interested?

If/when the wife shows up again it will just be another sob story about how it's all the MC's fault, which he will acept meekly and go along with, despite it probably only being out of the wifes self interest.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2020
If I was the MC I'd buy a plane ticket, inform everyone this is for their own good because they need to learn to communicate, tell them I'll see them in 10 years then never show up again. Perhaps find a group of people who actually like/love me and aren't so self interested?

If/when the wife shows up again it will just be another sob story about how it's all the MC's fault, which he will acept meekly and go along with, despite it probably only being out of the wifes self interest.
If I decided to pull the plug on these folks, I'd take Milly with me.


May 1, 2019
So. Ah. This game. Whew. It started out with so much promise, now it's just a shell of what it could have been. Deb was hyper sexually aggressive with the MC being a meek pathetic son of a bitch who despite having been in war and from what we garner killed people for a living just goes along with everything his dom sister and apparently daughter say.

Yeah, no. I'm done. I gave this game a fair chance, I had hopes for it and man was I let down.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2018

If there are any Irish followers, have a fun St. Patrick's Day and night.
Now that the latest update has been released, I will be starting on Triple Ex v0.09a tomorrow.
Stay safe and have fun!


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2020
i dont know why i keep playing this because i hate all the characters and the backstory continues to be a disaster, i gotta applaud the dev tho they managed to make Milly more likeable while making everyone else less likeable.

also the annoying choices with Faye which didn't change anything, choose not to follow but still end up in the water with her:WaitWhat:, choose not to peek at any time but she just calls you a liar, i just hope we dont have to forgive any of them and we can stick them all on a plane and fly it into the nearest volcano and live happily ever after with Milly, Bart and Albie

Norman Knight

Active Member
Jul 6, 2018
i keep playing this game because i still believe(perhaps wrongly) that the story can be saved but with each new revelation i find it harder to care anymore.

perhaps avaron is right and banging milly is the only thing left we shall look forward to.

muscly redheads are weakness of mine ;)


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Almost all these stories and games are made by devs not from America. Just like in movies, military is never 100% accurate. Why should it be even if the writer is 100% ex military? We as military swore to not let out secrets and things we know, saw, or fully did. At least that was the military I was in. Maybe you cav boys had a different oath of loyalty?
This wouldn't be about the American military with the dev not being American and the MC being Scottish so serving in the British army.

i keep playing this game because i still believe(perhaps wrongly) that the story can be saved but with each new revelation i find it harder to care anymore.

perhaps avaron is right and banging milly is the only thing left we shall look forward to.

muscly redheads are weakness of mine ;)
That's the biggest issue and probably why a few of us still play, this game has a massive amount of potential.

The dev is a decent writer he just happens to be writing the wrong thing and making characters look bad. Even trying to make them sympathetic is kinda backfiring.

He really needs to stop double downing on the backstory stuff and focus on going forward.

We know the family all like incest, focus on the MC and his sexy muscle daughter while trying to fix what he broke about the sister and mother and then deal with the drama of who is trying to kill everyone. Job done, people will be happy. Daughter gets her dad, happy family gets to fucking and then we can get to the violence and murder death kill the bad guys.

Everyone wins.

Just stop focusing on the backstory it isn't winning people over.

So much potential to be good even now but he needs to stop making some of the main characters look bad.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Totally agree with most of what Avaron says with the added comment that it would also help if the Dev stopped having every fickin one blame the emotionaly retarded war hero MC for their own shit decisions. Just because he don't talk about his inner feeling's dosen't make him responsible for them fucking up his and his daughters life.

Lady Lydia

Sep 18, 2019
This is exactly what I was thinking, and actually, I agree with all of the text, but the fake death thing, I was thinking more in the lines that she and the gay husband have been taken by whoever the bad guy is supposed to be, but yeah, I kinda hope for a remake at some point after they finish so they can try and fix the mess but I won't hold my breath, as I've said previously I'm looking at this as a first try for the dev from which they can learn a lot for the next project, just a pity that such a good idea couldn't, at least until now, achieve its full potential, but hey I'm young, I can wait another 50 years or so until they remake this into what it was supposed to be.
Yea its a possibility she and the gay guy were captured instead of killed, my point mostly was the only reason to try to not use her as an antagonist for the plot is if they intend to have her be alive at the end and she'll reunite with her daughter and MC, otherwise a dead character is one you are free to shit on since they won't matter to the continuity anyway. Heck there are ways else to have justified the entire thing which weren't completely stupid and still make her out to be a good wife, but they only needed someone to take the fall, the MC's father could have been a easy example, the point is the way things went is pure non-sense.

I get why the current plotline is desperately trying to redeem every women, its the typical harem story pattern, make all the women somewhat descent so the MC can be justified to bed all of them, which is why I assume his wife is still alive, because the only reason to bend the story so badly to keep her clean would be if their was a prospect of them being reunited, otherwise like I said she could have been a easy target to take the fall in the story. Anyhow my point is the plot has been completely shat on for the sake of trying to keep everyone sorta clean, and the MC was made to bend so he'd go with it, but yea for anyone with any sense its obviously is a very aggravating turn of events.


Jan 17, 2017
This game seems really interesting to me. I wish it had better reviews: not in the sense that I wish the game had a higher rating, but in that the sense I wish the negative reviews weren't quite so stupid so I could get a better grasp of what's actually going on. It comes off like the people complaining are mostly spergy ESL dumbasses that think if two girls lez out in front of the MC it's NTR and are raging about it. The positive reviews intrigue me, but even they are really light on the details when it comes to the story. I quite like the concept of a guy that's been beaten down by life and as a result is gunshy getting lead around by the nose by the strong personalities of the women around him. It being the girl that initiates things and strong-arms a reluctant MC , wearing down his resistance and morals, is always more interesting (particularly in an incest game, where you expect at least one of the characters to have scruples about such an act), but I'm not even sure that's the concept this game has since the reviews are so poorly composed and I can hardly draw any information from them. The pushy, sexually aggressive sister character seems interesting as described...I guess I'll give it a shot and see what it's all about.

edit: reading the latest comments, I really just hope the complaints haven't lead the author to second guess himself and compromise the central theme of the story by trying to make everyone that's bitching happy and changing the characters' fundamental nature. If it's something he'd planned, result of personal growth on their part or if certain revelations lead the MC to understand the reasons for their actions better and improve the way the he interacts with them, leading a deeper understanding between them and a deepening/softening of their relationship all around, then great! But if it's just asspulls motivated by outside criticism and not anything he'd already planned, that's going to be apparent anybody playing the game that isn't thick, and it's going to hurt the narrative.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2019
That's the biggest issue and probably why a few of us still play, this game has a massive amount of potential.

The dev is a decent writer he just happens to be writing the wrong thing and making characters look bad. Even trying to make them sympathetic is kinda backfiring.

He really needs to stop double downing on the backstory stuff and focus on going forward.

We know the family all like incest, focus on the MC and his sexy muscle daughter while trying to fix what he broke about the sister and mother and then deal with the drama of who is trying to kill everyone. Job done, people will be happy. Daughter gets her dad, happy family gets to fucking and then we can get to the violence and murder death kill the bad guys.

Everyone wins.

Just stop focusing on the backstory it isn't winning people over.

So much potential to be good even now but he needs to stop making some of the main characters look bad.

It might be a bit late given the last 2 updates, I kind of feel like we've all seen [read] too much to forget whats happened now.

For me, even if you leave everything else out for a moment, the fact the MCs whole family inflicted so much hurt on the MC's daughter, with the separation and lies, is a deal-breaker for me.
If the rest of the family get to stay in the picture as it seems to be so far then I'm not going to be down with that.

If I'd had the choice I would have already got rid of them by the end of this update, but it feels like the choices you make as the MC don't matter.

As a side note, I kind of feel like the ex-wife's death has been faked as some sort of plan to get the MC and the daughter back together, another kind of stupid scheme "for their own good".
If that happens then I'm definitely out.
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3.10 star(s) 108 Votes